It must be you!

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The cold air hits my face as I wake up from a deep slumber of sleep. My hands unconsciously tap on the right side of the bed only to find it empty. 

Where is a Siddarth?

I immediately get up. my chest heaving with a strange feeling. I sprint to the balcony from where I can the beach and there he was playing the guitar. he smiles at me as I walk towards him.

"Why are u up so early?" I ask. he chuckles seeing me out of breath.

"early mornings near the sea is the best," he says pulling on his lap and setting the guitar on my lap.

"Were u scared?" He asks wrapping me in a back hug.

"Yes" I admit and he was taken by surprise but I chuckle.

"It's been long since I played the guitar," I say as I hum a song. 

For whom I met for the first time

Words suddenly resound in my head

Saying that you are the one for me

And I can't find the reasons

I start singing out of nowhere. yes, this is the time. 

You are not someone I dream of,

But You know it must be you, no matter what

Just you, you are all that I need

with you is where I want to stay

this is a song I wrote for him. It was actually a long time back but I didn't get time to show it to him. 

Even if I could turn back time 

I am sure I'd pick you every time 

I know it right away at the first glance 

That you're the one I've been waiting for.

I take his hand and led him to the beach sitting on the cold sand I was dressed in a white frock which ended up to my ankle. I lay my head on his shoulder as he wraps his hands around m waist.

"Everything changed, didn't it? from wrapping your arm around my throat to waist. what a development!" I say as he chuckles agreeing with me.

It's been 2 months since everything got over. nick is dead in the most painful way I could think of. family is back to its place. we are out on a vacation cause after the revenge and all I didn't get time to relax cause I had business to deal with but now it's all good and chill.

we were playing in the water when I hug him without any notice but hold me anyways. my legs are not touching on the ground guess she has picked me up. 

"I know something is on your mind, amore. let it out, tell me what is it?" He asks remember when I told u he knows me the best? oh ya right I didn't but now u know.

"Marry me Siddarth," I say still hugging him. I could tell he was surprised.

"Amore...what? Say it again." He says now facing me.

"Marry me Siddarth," I say as now tears start streaming down my cheeks.

"Again," He says, his eyes getting glassy.

"Marry me!!!" I scream on top of my lungs slipping a new ring on his finger. though he already have one. 2 looked good.

"We both laugh feeling overwhelmed.

"I will marry you!!!" He screams the reply to the world!


"AHHHHHHH!!!" We scream to each other faces laughing with tears. 

God!! I was serious when I said this boy will drive me crazy!!

"I will cherish u forever, Amore" He whispered and that's the last thing I remember before we lose ourselves in a kiss.

Now and always, Till death do us apart.



It is how this ends but their love story never ends because true love doesn't have an end.

Ya, I do realize how I disappeared for a whole year.

But forgive me, I was in a hostel!!

Anyways did u like it?

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Any message for the character or the author as the story ends?

This book is special I was younger when I started this book, but I was determined to write this book. I know it didn't look very good but I am thankful to all my readers. even the silent readers.

My request towards every silent reader is simple. i would be happy if u leave a one-line message under this last chapter. anything will do.

Thank you!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2022 ⏰

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