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avneet walked towards sid and then......

kissed him straight on lips!

(unexpected tadka)

it was both of theirs first kiss with no urgency only passion, love. people were watching them but they don't give a fuck and as she broke the kiss she said to the crowd

"This is what you call a kiss you understand or do you need another demo" they all immediately shook their head in a no

avu went towards ridham and slapped her

"I should never see your face again," she said in a calm but the deep voice which even sent a shiver to sid's body.. she came back to sid and asked while connecting their foreheads.

"why do you have to be the boy who saves random bitches?" she asked

"JEALOUS?" he asked smirking

"ofcource, you wouldn't like either if I do the same," she said returning the smirk.

"I dare you to do that," he said and she chuckled.

"i.lo.." she couldn't say anything but sid said

"I know you do so do I," he said with a small smile.

Avneet Malhotra


I never thought I would be seeing anyone's engagement but here I am watching my only brother's and best friend's engagement. they put rings on each other's hand and at the same moment, I heard a bullet firing voice wtf?!? All ran out of the venue. the four for our hands went straight on our guns and all of us started firing back. the fight was over in few minutes but that's when there was a man in a black mask. he tried to slap ishika mom but pulling her back the slap landed on my face. I must say he is strong but not stronger. I heard everyone gasped when he slapped me.


the next moment he was on the floor and I was wiping blood from the corner of my lip. yes, you got it. I shot him. rewind a bit

"don't touch my boy and my family" that I pulled my gun trigger and that's enough for his last breath.

i look behind the mask and it shocked me it was chris. that club guy.why would he

"Chris?" a small word came out without my consent 

"you know him" asked sod i nodded in a no and turned to mom

"you okay mom" were my first words.

"yes I a-" she was cut off by a scream

"vaishu!!!!!!" screamed Abhi bhai

turning around I saw vaish unconscious I don't know I immediately called the car and all took her to our house. the hospital is not safe.we called our family doctor while Abhi bhai laid her on the bed.

i was scared was an understatement we were waiting out as our doctor was looking at vaish. he came out and we all went to him.

"How is she?" sid asked

"congratulation Mr. malik you are going to be a dad" with that all looked at me.

"you couldn't wait?" asked Jannat

"what the fuck? why are you looking at me? we haven't done anything gross yet chi yuk!! disgusting people" I said

"exactly gross stuff really far she can't even pronounce I love you nicely always says some other language what is even thinking? and he means by Mr.malik is Abhi bhai guys!!" he explained

"oh," all said

"wait what she is pregnant?how?' said Abhi

"I guess you know how? " asked mom

we all chuckled

"ok young man, go and meet her," said dad.

as soon as he went in the picked vaishu up and twirled her.

"vaishu meri vaishu I am so happy," he said

"Abhi stop twirling me my head is spinning," she said and he immediately put her down.

"We are going to be chacha-Chachi?" I said giving vaish a hug.

"How are you so sure" asked faisu bhai

"about what?' i asked him

"that you will be his Chachi what if its someone else?" he said teasing

"then I am sorry you have to say goodbye to your best friend," I said looking at sid.

"no no you only will be his Chachi don't worry I will make sure of it if it happens in an otherwise I will kick him out of the house," said ma

"dangerous people," sid said we all laughed but I could see him angry.

soon he went to his room and slammed the door.

"that's my cue," I said and went behind him.

peeking into his room I saw him sitting there angry and shirtless.

is he bipolar?

"is my loverboy angry?" I said in a baby voice.

things I do for my boyfriend.  *wiping invisible sweat*

the next second I was pinned to the bed. what happened? how did he reach here?

God knows!!! he was continuously looking at my bruised cheek and the blood on my corner lip. possessive. he looks hot while possessive.

"hmm....not at all distracting," I said looking at his jaw line which was clearly visible.the next moment he hugged me tight means really tight.

"are you tryna choke me to death?" i asked him 

"i will if you don't take care of yourself!why would you do that" he asked

"you know i don't let anyone touch my family," I said being dead serious. anyways I hugged him back 

"sorry but not sorry" i said he chuckled.i kissed his ears before melting into his warm embrace.
How is the chapter?

Sorry have been busy with tryouts and life events

Love love

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