date but with whom?

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avneet Malhotra

"wake up girl,"  I said for the millionth time now.

we are waking Jannat up. this girl was all high on alcohol yesterday. vaish said not to stop her cause soon she will be engaged then married so I agreed but now both of us are regretting letting her drink. we are trying to wake her up for the past 1 hour.

now you will think why I am waking her up she said she wants to talk to me about something which vaish also knows about but she won't tell. so now I am curious what is it?

"I am up" I heard her say

"Finally," we both said before dropping our selves to the couch.

"Now tell me what is "the important thing' you wanna talk about," I said air quoting the important thing.

"jeez, girl patience let me take a bath and then we will talk," she said I nodded and went to the kitchen and made her some porridge.

when I came back I saw her completely ready and talking to vaish. seeing the porridge in my hand she smiled

"you do love me" she teased worries I have myself covered.

whatever she is, at the bottom line she is my best friend only! and care for her.

"don't think so much. it's just you are soon going to get engaged to my brother I don't want you to look like a rat in the engagement," I said mocking her. she placed her hand on her heart acting offended. 


she drank the porridge and she patted on the seat near her calling me to sit there probably to tell the 'important thing'.I went to her and I was drinking my morning coffee which I missed because of her.

"so you are going on a date," she said out of nowhere and I found my self choking on my coffee and coughing uncontrollably. vaish patted my back calming me down.

have this girl went crazy in the happiness of her engagement? or did the alcohol hit her bad?

"I told you vaish. we shouldn't have let her drink yesterday she is still drunk" I said to vaish.

"she is not drunk and I also agree with her.' vaish said


" but-" I was cut by Jannat

"I already love Siddarth," she said mocking me

"I know I know" she continued.

"and avu it is a final thing you are going to the date and that's all" vaish said I looked at Jannat practically saying "it's not safe"

"I checked that boy's background and you are going to your own hotel so it's safe," she said as if reading my mind.

I sighed in defeat.

"Okay," I said giving up.

now I could see their best smiles. I also think I should move on since he doesn't love me.

but a date?


after some time

"Is this even an appropriate dress for a date?" I asked both girls who were holding a way to revealing cloth.

"I second thing I hate pink colour I look gross in that," I said to them

"I ain't telling you to were it forever just for tonight" last I gave in knowing there is no advantage of argument here.

Siddarth malik

I was back from work and the day I didn't see amore in the company first I thought she might be having a hangover but then I realized she didn't drink and now I know something is up in their minds. I went to take a shower and when I came downstairs the view in front of me made my heart drop on my knees.

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