Your daimond

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Hey buddies,


yes, I am here 

No, you're not dreaming.

sorry for the delay I am just lazy AF and I got a bit busy setting someone relationship LMFAO.

anyways let's get into the chappy.

It's been quite some days since that day and I am confused and worried cause I am sure he would be coming with something big. anyways I am ready to face him so no worries let me also see what did a stray dog learn in 3 years.

let's go and meet Siddharth cause I am not feeling well not physically but mentally a bad vibe is running all over my mind let's go.

I woke up from my bed and got ready in a black crop hoodie and a pair of white ripped jeans. 

I told the driver to take a rest. the car roared to life and soon enough I reached the company.

I was on my way to Siddharth's office when someone pulled me to a balcony. his face was covered with a mask and the next second he was on my gunpoint and that's why you don't mess with poison. 

"Woah Woah damsel!! you clearly upgraded baby!!" he said taking off his mask and plastering a smirk on his face. It's a face I never wanted to see...Nick Brown but since he is here let's kill him. shall we?

"What are you doing here, Nick?" I asked him pushing the gun further on his forehead.

"com'on I am meeting you after a long time. welcome me at least," he said. this asshole!!

"don't you think you're too unsecured to come to my fiance's urf Alex the mafia king's place?" I asked him with a smirk.

"oh my!! damsel, I am not dumb. I am perfectly secured. you know if you want to get a whale you have to keep something as bait" he said with a smirk.

"Siddharth" a mere whisper left my lips. 

"you can kill me but your boy only have some time left wait lemme show you," he said and showed me the CCTV footage.

"you see this man who is going to serve that boy what's his name ya Siddharth coffee? That coffee is poisonous. just one drop and he will be paralyzed forever." he said tracing his fingers on my waist.

"keep your filthy hand to yourself," I dangerously said slapping his hand away.

"ok right now I will but not soon," he said and jumped off the balcony.

"you!!" I said as he jumped off. I don't have time I should go to sid.

I ran to sid's cabin and soon as I entered he got startled and the coffee cup was on his lips I quickly kicked it and it broke the next second I shot the man in white who was serving and he fell with a gun in his hand. So Nick was not kidding around.

"How did this gun came here!" Sid asked. 

"We don't know sir," the others said frightened.

"leave" I ordered them and hugged sid as they went out.

"are you ok?" I asked

"ofcource! what happened," he asked

"Nick was here," I said

"you ok?" he asked and I nodded.

I told him whatever he said and then I called Jannat.

"Jannat get me information about the person I just sent a pic of," I said and she agreed.

"What are you planning?" he asked

"Weakness!! I am finding his weakness. sid do me a favour call bhai and ask him to migrate mom dad Abhi bhai and di to Australia. we can't keep them in danger" I said and he nodded

soon enough I got the info and I smirked.

"sid tomorrow we gotta go somewhere," I said he raised his eyebrow and I just smiled.

Your count down starts Nick!!


That's it for today!!

Guys I am out of ideas so I can't write often but I will in every week but do vote and comment it encourage me.

where do you think avu is going?

Love Love


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