an unexpected past

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"I was dumb"

was all he said



what did he mean man?

"huh? what," I asked being completely clueless about what he said. but he chuckled seeing my confused face. wow!! at this moment when my brain is all fucked up he wanna tease me wow!!

"ok fine I know you can't understand what I said and sorry it's kinda funny seeing the mafia queen all confused," he said and we both chuckled.

"so as I was saying I was dumb which means I was mute. I couldn't talk," he said looking at the stars which I mentioned as my mom.

but I was disturbed how come no one told me but all thoughts went away seeing sid's eyes becoming moist and I immediately started caressing his hands with my thumb.

"you must be thinking why wasn't you informed and why nobody told you so no one actually knew except mom, dad and faisu now you will think why bhai and all didn't know since when I was born and before I turned 2 bhai went boarding and never came and when he used to come I was not there I was sent to a hostel, I thought everyone will support me and help me but naive innocent boy's misconceptions," he said with a humourless chuckle with tears starting to flow down 

so I started ruffling his hair slowly calming him down which surprisingly worked

"They bullied me because I was weak and mute. they made fun of me and let me remind you I was just an 8 year old so one day I went to my teacher to tell him but she..."

I knew he was starting to panic so I gave him a bottle of water.

"it's okay calm down leave it"

' no I can't leave I wanna tell you" he said 

"only if you want to," I said again rubbing his back

"she physically assaulted me she used to punch me and slap me threatening me not to tell my parents to cause they were powerful people and it would be bad for the school I did I was scared but slowly she started assaulting me but sexually" he paused probably remembering the past

my hands turned into fist how could someone be so..... I don't know what to say.

"she was a..." he cut me off

"yes, she was paedophilia!!!"

(you will know it if you are also a psychology freak like me lol!!!)

"I was badly assaulted very badly for 8 years mom-dad rarely came to meet me then I grew up and I could talk a bit and I was improving cause I was determined to talk like others and one-day faisu came to meet me and he found out about my bruises and found I was physically assaulted but still he doesn't know about my sexual assault you are the only one to know that'

and now he was crying his heart out and I knew it was the first time he was crying in front of someone. he was letting his guards down in front of me.

"don't worry I promise your secret will go with me to my grave," I said reassuring and when I said I meant it. he smiled and continued.

"I was 16 and then dad sued the school and I changed the school but little did they knew not only the school even I was changed. I was in a hostel cause of security reasons I changed myself from a naive little boy to a tough and rough guy, into Alex the mafia king and I hated girls cause I thought all girls are the same either they will use us for money or body but soon the thoughts changed when I met a devil-like me," he said with a smirk, at last.

I smiled back but I knew he was thinking he is weak 

"sid I know what you are thinking so drop it you are not weak you are strong. what have heard about being perfect let me tell you you are the exact definition of a "perfect masterpiece".so drop your negative thoughts."

" did you just shamelessly flirt with me, Avneet Malhotra? if yes that the worst pick up line someone has ever used at me"  he said in an unbelievable tone

"haww!! you are the first one to say my pick up line is bad to come on Mr.malik boys swoon over me have some respect," I said flipping my hair though it was up in a messy bun he chuckled at me and said

"respect who?? a wild cat?" he teased me with mischief in his tone. 

at last, we both burst out laughing. I was happy he forgot about all the misery cause he was laughing his heart out and that's when I noticed something and asked

"wait how do you know I am poison I never mention that?" I asked suspiciously.

"I have my ways amore!! moreover you yourself confirmed right now" we both chuckled.

like this we both talked till he falls asleep in my chest I smiled as I watched his breathing rhythm get slowed and relaxed when made sure he slept I said

"I......" I just couldn't say those phrase I said

"Je Vous Aime," I said kissing his forehead.

(Je vous aime means I love you in french, babies!!)

we both slept in each other's embrace

the next day



how's the chapter

sorry if it's short 

did you like the past

was it expected??

words - 935

love love


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