Enemy's Enemy is Friend

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A yet another day starts but it's not a normal day like others. But it's very important today I hunt my most important prey. I am not without any plans. I got ready and went downwards and faisu bhai did his work pretty fast. my family was told to go for a tour so they are not here it's dangerous for them to meddle in this.

"Good morning amore" sid wished me.

"Good morning devil," I said returning the smile.

"what's your plan," asked Jannat.

"Just know that I will kill him and what you have to do? I will tell when it's time." I said they nodded.

"Take care you both" Said Faisu bhai. we nodded and exited the house.

"Where are we going," He asked once we were in the car.

"I expected this question but sooner," I said.

"then why didn't you told me sooner," he said rolling his eyes.  

"Oh, com'on I wanted to hear your voice baby!" I said dramatically.

" look at you being dramatic like you are not going to kill Pavel," he said.

"Pavel?" I asked him

"Oh you didn't know?" he asked I creased my eyebrows in confusion.

"Pavel is nick's Mafia name" he continues while I mouth an "oh".


"I would love to go on a long drive to a unspecific destination but do think it's the correct time?" he says snapping me out of my thoughts. and I stared at him in confusion.

"what," I asked him cluelessly.

"cause madam, you still didn't answer my question. Where are we going?" He said with sarcasm dripping his word. I chuckled.

"Devil, you know? Enemy's Enemy is Friend" I said with a massive smirk and he returned the smirk understanding what I mean.

"Drive to Unicon," I said to Siddarth and he nodded. Unicon is a Multinational Company.

Soon enough we reached there and went to the receptionist 

"Hello madam How may I help you?" Asked the receptionist.

"I am Mia I have an appointment with Ms Danica," I said and introduced myself with a fake name if she knows my real name she will never agree to meet. Ya we don't have a nice relation and who I want to meet is not her but she is the way to meet him.  

Siddarth looked at me with a frown when I introduced myself as mia. I winked at him. Soon enough we reached her office.

"Come in" I heard her saying.

"How are you Avneet?" she asked with a smirk without sparing a glare on me.

"So you did know it's me," I said to her returning the smirk.

"Ofcource I did do you think I don't know your hobby of faking identities after all we were partners once a time," She said without dropping the smirk.

"In your dictionary do you call "partner" those who betray? Cuz I am sorry in my dictionary Partner is not someone who betrays but stays loyal." I said reminding both of us of the past. Here the only sid couldn't understand what's going on but he chose to keep his mouth shut and I am glad. He knows I will tell him when it's time.

"I won't repeat myself again I was not a betrayer," She said and I scoffed.

"By the way who is this hot pants?" she says tracing sid's chest.

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