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Do read it as their are charges. I merged both chapters to make it longer.

"sid we can look over this deal but as a 2nd priority"


"and I want to talk this Mr.brown"


"he is creating problem in the deal"


"Tell him its a do or die deal"


"Siddarth are you listening?"


"Siddarth!!" I called him out

"I was literally talking about this deal for 1 fucking hour!!" I shouted at him but he was still lost in me. Idiot he is!!!

"you know what, get lost!!" I said giving him a small slap on his forehead but before I could go he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"sorry amore I was thinking something!!" he said while burying his neck in my shoulder.

"and what exactly?" I asked him crossing my arms to my chest

"just thinking how can someone be this beautiful without even trying. look at you, you are just wearing a normal grey sweatshirt with a pair of jeans but still looking like an angel," he said still lost in me.

"you know what sid I also think something, not 1 but I think 2 things," I said folding my arms.

"what's it amore?" he asked looking at me.

"First, you need to upgrade your flirting skills. second, You are WHIPPED" I said punching his stomach. Violent I know!! What can I do that's my way of expressing love.

"you can be this obsessed with me. I don't want you to forget we are mafias and our life is really risky if ever anything happens to me what will you do?" I asked while he was staring at me emotionlessly. I knew I messed up bad but I want him to keep a check with reality as well.

"As cliche as it sounds don't talk about death. I can't live without you!" he said hugging me tightly. I smiled

"ok, leave it and focus on work I said.


"aish!! finally completed!!" he said dropping himself beside me on the sofa. I can't believe this whiny child is Alex the mafia king.

we decided to leave as we reached the ground floor, sid's phone rang he excused himself.

"wait here, more. I will be back," he said while I nodded with a smile. I am smiling so much recently.

I decided to wait for him in the car as its cold while I was exiting I heard someone calling me. turning around I saw Rose, the receptionist. remember?


"yes. rose. what's it?" I asked her.

"actually someone sent you these flowers," she said giving me a bouquet of blood-red roses.

No!! who would send me these. Especially blood-red knowing I hate. could it be...... no way. you are just overthinking avneet!! I took it and saw a note.

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