the actual avneet Kaur

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sid's pov

I woke up actually I am always the first one to wake up in this house. I did my morning business and went to the gym but I heard high voices from the gym. who is awake this time it's only 4:30. I went to look and I saw an angel yes I saw the baby girl. she was wearing a sports bra and was doing heavy exercise which even I barely do. sweat was dripping. then I heard a sound.

avu - take a photo, it will last longer.

she said focusing n her exercise.

shit!! I was staring at her. did she felt uncomfortable? then a question crossed my mind.

sid - what are you doing here at the gym at this hour

avu - I can ask you the same.

ugh!! why can she say something straight

sid - first I asked so first answer me!!

avu - I couldn't sleep well so I came here for some relaxation

oh there are very fewer people who this gym as relaxation and psychology say those who this so are stressed or some kind of mafias like me!!

avu - now you tell me!

sid - same!!

she mouthed an 'oh' and continued.

I took off my shirt and started doing the exercise I could see from the end of my eyes that avu is trying hard to not drool. soon she continued her work then she moved toward the punching bag.

avu's pov

I was sleeping when I got a nightmare.

yet again.

It was only 4:00 so I have to the gym to get rid of the thoughts. I went to the gym after sometimes I felt someone's gaze over me but it wasn't some uncomfortable gaze but it was an affectionate gaze.I looked back to see duffer looking at me. I said smirking

avu - take a photo, it will last longer.

he seems doomed. then he asked me what was I doing here at this time.

sid - what are you doing here at the gym at this hour

I needed time to think of a I asked

avu - I can ask you the same.

he was annoyed I like it when he is. 

sid - first I asked so first answer me!!

till then I got a lie.

avu - I couldn't sleep well so I came here for some relaxation

I asked him

avu - now you tell me!

sid - same!!

I mouthed an 'oh' and continued.

he took off his shirt and started doing the exercise 

damn!! he is hot!!!

I was trying hard to not drool. soon I continued my work then I moved toward the punching bag. then I took the strapper and was trying to wear which I couldn't.

yes, I can't strap my straper on my hand. funny right?? the international level boxer doesn't know how to use a strapper.

then duffer came and took my hand and started doing it for me.

sid - I heard you are a boxer then you don't know how to do it?

avu - I do I just mess up!!

he nodded and continued I could see his facial features from really close he has perfect facial features

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