my past...

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I have a past but I don't live there anymore


continuei was a bright morning all were down to have their break fast but avu's eyes were searching only one person.

yes who else her duffer.

she sat with all with her signature black coffe and her hair were tied in a clucher she was smiling

and taking with all when someone came and opened her hair by taking the clucher from her hair.

avu - yaar ri-

then she actually came to reality and realized that what she is thinking is impossible

the coffe mug in her hand fell down and scattered into peices tear were brimming from her eyes her whole body was now cold as ice,her hand were shivering.

no one except jannat could understand what is the matter.

sid who took her clucher was still confused.she just ran out of the house grabbing her car keys

when ishika asked

ishika - arey beta where are going?you okay?

avu - i will be back late don't wait for me for dinner.

she stated coldly.she ran out and inside the mansion there stood a confused yet guilty siddarth

sid - what happened to her? did i do something wrong?

he asked tensed

jaan - don't worry she will be okay.just the past striked her.

arjun - beta i never asked before but what is it which is disturbing her??

jaan - how i wish i could tell you but unfortuntely that a secret between us she will tell one day.

all nodded

all went now only jaan and sid were left.

sid was about to go when jaan said

jaan - and according to how much i know your baby girl will tell the soonest about her past.

sid smiled.

jaan - you have a quite good choice.

sid - what are talking about?

she asked being innocent

jaan - don't play dumb okay you know what i am talking about. siddarth she is a mystery which only you can solve.but i can give you a hint she is " a devil like you"

saying this jaan went and stood there confused.

sid - what did she meant?a devil like me??ugh!!!forget it!!

avu's side

she again went to the grave and sat there 

avu - why is he so like you???if he will be like you i will love him too just like i did to you then god will snatch him also from me!!

soon she she broke into tears.

avu - why does it always happens to me??what have i ever done wrong???i also want to be like other girls but i can't and about you why aren't you coming to me???i miss you so damn much!!!!!

she kept crying till she ran out of tears.

now it was nearly 12:00 when she reached home she went to her room and changed into comfy clothes.after that she went to the swimming pool she sat dipping her leg in water and looking at the stars.

A DEVIL LIKE YOUWhere stories live. Discover now