Little champ...

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9 months

Avneet Malhotra 

"Hey, Lil champ!"

"How are you?"

"you know you are the luckiest baby in the  world?"

"you have everything that I didn't- I mean others don't."

"you have a loving mom and really sweet dad who is ready to die for you," I said to look at the baby bump of vaish and she is looking at me smiling and you know the fun fact? he or she always kicks when I talk to him.

I know he already loves me!!

"and he also has a tough but soft uncle-aunt!" said vaish looking at me and I smiled.

"avu I wanna eat something sour"

"oh wait" I was about to go to the kitchen when she said

"no something sweet' she said and I nodded

"no no something spicy," she said and nodded again about to go.

"no it's sour..yes I wanna eat something sour," she said I signed

"you sure?" she nodded

her cravings and mood swings are worst but I know it's worth it. she has made all of us run a lot in this time period and sometimes she starts crying saying she is so bad and a burden to us. but it's not true though.

sid and Abhi are in the company for work. faisu and Jannat are out for some work. in this time period so much happened. faisu and Jannat got married and are happy. and about Damien,*evil smirk* I killed long back in a really bad way. *smirks* but we almost was kicked out from the house that's when I realised that dad knew about this and dad sent that attack of temple to know that we are mafia or not. Anyways I was dragged out of my thoughts with a scream.

this voice!


I ran to her I saw her with tears and her bed was wet shit her water broke.

"oh god!! ok, stop panicking calm down please" I said tryna calm her down as it's needed.

"yeah!! shut up and help me" she shouted with a sharp slap on my face.

oh shit!! she is in pain I don't care if she slapped. I know it will be all worth it when we will hold that baby in our arm.

"wait here I will bring the hospital bag," i said

"Not like I can move," she said and ran to the room to get the back and after that I supported her to reach till our car and asked a driver to drive.

I took my phone and called sid and faisu bhai telling them to come to the hospital and rushed the driver.

tbh I am panicking cause she is in pain. We reached hospital I said to the receptionist to book a room and arrange a wheelchair I quickly made her sit on it.

"Where the hell are they?" I shouted at the bodyguard.

"We are here" they said

" Go to vaish" I said to abhi.

"You don't touch me!! Where in the hell were you asshole?!?" Burst vaish still laying on the strecher.

"Sorry baby" he said

"Save it" shouted vaish.

"Woah I didn't knew she had this much energy" I said with a  chuckle to Siddarth,who was back hugging me.

"True i- wait what happened to you cheek" he asked me

"Oh vaish slapped me in pain." I said with a chuckle.

"Does it hurt" he asked while placing paper kisses on my cheek.

"No,my loverboy" I said to him.

We were just pacing outside the operation theatre.

"Calm down amore!" Sid said patting my shoulder.

"I-" I was cut off by a cry of a child.

We all smiled wide soon enough doctor came out and said

"It's a boy" he said with a smile.

"Mrs.malik will soon be changed in to room and she can discharge tomorrow." He said we nodded.


I dropped vaish and lil champ in his room as abhi bhai is out for some work and he thinks he is not a good dad only if he knew he was more than good compared to someone I know.

Anyways as I dropped them off I went to my room and as soon as I entered I was thrown onto someone's shoulder and I knew who it was.

My lover boy who else??

"Lover boy" I called him

"Yes amore" he said

"Put me down right now" I said and he winked at me with a mischievous grin on his face.

He keeps me down after we reached in the bathroom. before I could speak he turned the shower on.

Okay showering together isn't a bad me a hoe I don't give two fucks. Anyways..

"I don't remember planning to shower" I said as I encircled my arm around his neck.

"I did" he said before kissing me after he broke the kiss I kept on staring at him.

"Hmm?" He asked shorty asking me why am I staring at him.

"Nothing it's just I was thinking how did I got lucky to have you?"

He chuckled and kissed my temple

"I love you amore forever and ever" he said.

My man!!

What are you waiting for??

No Smuts perverts!!!

Sorry if I made you think it will have mature scenes but honestly I am uncomfortable writing and reading smut especially sidneet.

Afterall they are my idols.

And good news that I hit 150 followers if you haven't followed me do it write away it will help motivating this poor cliche author.

Anyways did you like the chapter?

The game isn't over yet *evil smirk*

Trust me I am evil to the core that I can kill both sidneet, abhinavi, fainat,arjun,ishika

Or even the new baby who is known as lil champ 😏😏

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Love love




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