she stole something!!

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hey I am back

let's continue

avu's pov

I am going to damain's warehouse and here I am I parked my car behind a bush as I didn't want anyone to see me or my car. I easily sneaked in now step2, which is killing the bodyguards so hid behind a wall and saw the bodyguards are all busy.

seriously they are watching porn!!

I first thought to knock them out but now I decided to kill them cause they are not good enough, who watches porn on duty!!

I went in front of them.

and blew a whistle.

avu - hey duffer!! here!!

they all came running to me and without even asking who am I they started fighting well people do know me I kept fighting and in 15 minutes I killed all of them.

but then saw the other pack coming.I groaned

avu - couldn't you come at once?? now I am in no mood to fight so bye!!

saying this I jumped to the nest storey of the building.

hah!! that was easier than I thought!!

I reached their office and I checked each and every drawer and files without leaving anything!!

after my search of 15 minutes I got the file and a pendrive

I was about to leave when I felt shoot pain in my back and according to my deduction that cut would be made 32.8cm down my neck!!

avu - for lucifer's sake boy I swear you are dead!!

with that, I threw a knife towards his neck and it correctly pierced his throat

avu - no that's how we throw a knife towards someone. bye, I am getting late!! and and and one more thing.

"Saluta Satana da parte mia RD." Said Avu with a smirk in a perfect Italian accent.

( She meant "Say hello to satan for me RD" in the Italian language.)

I was about to leave when I saw a guard tryna find me I knew Alex and me are their main rivals I didn't want Alex a.k.a my duffer to land into any trouble.

so I wrote a note for damain and stuck it on his computer screen.

hey damain

let me give you a free suggestion you have the worst bodyguards ever. they are so rusty so you better fire them and find new or you won't be prepared enough for my next attack with these rusty bodyguards.

bye, your enemy


I wrote my name and 3 dots after my name which makes sure it's me who wrote it!!

now I successfully left the warehouse and drove towards my house.

it was 8:30 pm right now

I wore a jacket before going in as I didn't want anyone to see my wound on my back.

I got in and everyone's heads snapped towards me and I saw that Bella girl was smirking!

what the hell? why is she smirking now?!

anyways I went to them I couldn't find duffer but I didn't ask.

faisu - I know whom your eyes are looking for but first, tell me where were you bacha??

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