devil's babygirl??

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avu's pov

It is a new morning but nothing new. if you guys are thinking why am I so casual even after knowing my duffer I mean k..ii duffer haan duffer turned out to be the great Alex!!

so the thing is simple I am not feeling like overreacting cause you see I already had a vibe or you say deduction that he might be a mafia coz he is an arrogant, angry bird but didn't think he will be Alex!! but it's okay!!

if you are thinking I will talk to him regarding this topic

you are.....

dead wrong!!!!

cause its no fun but I will tease them a bit and have fun!!

but right now I am going downstairs for breakfast, as usual, kissed bhabhi, sugar and pa and then hugged bhai and dada.  I did a fist bump with jaan. and went to duffer and smacked his back of the head. 


its fun slapping him!!

he made a grumpy face!!

aww!! cute-wait what stop girl stop!!!

you are a curse plz don't ruin his life!!

but there was one thing I noticed now only there was one more chair.

there wait there was person also on the chair. she was wearing way too revealing clothes and her cheek was shining what the hell how can a face shine?!?!

 oh I have heard from Jann that girls use some kind of stuff for shining. what was it!!! yeah!! high-lighter or whatever you call it.

not my cup of tea!!

anyways and about her lipstick it was way too dark it was violet colour who puts violet lipstick.

whatever why do I care??

her wish!!

she was sitting at my place besides duffer.I don't let my place go ever but I just ignored it as I was in no mood to fight!!and sat the either side!!

and what was she doing??

oh yeah!!

she was glaring at me like no tommorow what's wrong?!?

and about sid he is staring at me since god know how long!!

maybe thats why she was glaring at me??

maybe she is his girlfriend and even she was clinging at him so she might be his gf!!

but he doesn't seen intrested so yeah he is just flirting around with her!!

his wish!!

who am i to judge!!

am I some gali ki aunty!!

lol!! not funny!!

anyways i stomped on sid's leg who was gawking at me!!and signal toward that girl saying stop gawking at me and pay attention to her!!

all except that girl saw this and chuckled!!

at last that girl spoke up!!

that girl - baby who is this girl and with what rights did she slapped you??

she asked clinging on sid!!

sid - my best-friend and partner!!

i choked on my coffee!!

avu - duffer!! I am Avneet mahotra

girl - oh so you are Avneet malhotra

why would she say like that??

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