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he opened the blindfold and saw a brand new Lamborghini black 

he opened the blindfold and saw a brand new lamborgini black my fav i turned around to see pa and sugar smiling i went to them and hugged them and said

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he opened the blindfold and saw a brand new lamborgini black my fav i turned around to see pa and sugar smiling i went to them and hugged them and said

avu - thanks!!

ishika - if you want to thank,thank sid its his choice!!

i turned around and went to sid and said

avu - thanks

sid - woah!! am i dreaming??

avu - idiot be serious for atleast a second!

i said playfully hitting his arms and he chuckled!!

sid - okay!!no need of thanks!!

all were already in!!

sid - are you going in you new car?

avu - wasn't that obvious?

he chuckled and was about to leave when an idea popped in my mind to have a bit of fun.

avu - alex!

he immediately turned around and said!!

sid - ye-

then he realized what he said and stopped and looked at me

i showed him my phone and said

avu - i was talking to my friend.what happened??

i said in an innocent voice

he shooked his head and left.

i too went to my den where jaan was already waiting!!we both moved to our cabin!!

avu - tommorow i am going to sneak damains warehouse.

jaan - alone??

avu - yes!!so the plan is simple i will sneak in and will take the documents and pendrive and through that we will hack into their system and it will help us to destroy every single scum of their gang!!

she nodded understanding!

she went home but i am in a meeting!!

pov end!!

evening time

sid's pov

the moment in the morning made my blood run cold!!

i don't want avu to know about my mafia side.......not yet!!

she will go away and the worse will fear me,which i doubt!!

but then she told she wasn't calling me i wasn't satisfied but then i remembered how will she know and shooked that thought!!

now we are downstairs waiting for girls and if you think avu is included in this girls then you are wrong!!she is not yet home.

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