Chapter 16- April 28th and May 2nd 2014

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Spring Break eventually ended and I was nervous as hell to go back, I had no idea if me and Hiro were still dating or not. My first 2 period were like any ordinary day, but when I got to third period that's when things got fishy. Hiro didn't talk to at all, not even eye contact (so we aren't dating?) MWAHAHAHAHA!

4th period, nothing. 5th period, nothing. Don't have him for 6th. But then 7th period came and that gave me answer to everything.

"Kyoko, are you and Hiro still dating?" Erika and Ai asked.

I looked up to Hiro then I looked to Ai and Erika. "Umm...I don't know" I said shyly.

"Hiro" cried out Ai.

"Yeah" he said as he looked over to her.

"Are you and Kyoko still dating?"

"No" Hiro said then turned around without looking at me. YES! THE ONLY GOOD PART IN THE BOOK! Ai and Erika immediately looked over to me. I was speechless and didn't know what to say. "What?" I said.

"K-Kyoko...were so sorr-"

"Don't be. It's okay, I am not that upset anyway" I interrupted Erika.

"Are you sure?" Ai said with a concern tone in her voice.

"Yeah" I said back. Ai and Erika both looked at each other, I knew exactly what they were thinking "She is hurting". How was I feeling right now? I don't know...was I relived? Was angry? Was I sad? What was it, this feeling feels familiar though, now that I think about it I feel this feeling often.

About a couple days later me and my friend Kami were talking in 7th period and that is when I told her me and Hiro broke up.

"What! Why?!"

"I uhh..I don't really know why..."

"Have you ever tried asking him?"

"" I said slouching in my chair.

"Then why don't you ask him?"

"I haven't talked to him since March, and now it's really awkward when we talk" Kami began to laugh.

"How can you say it's awkward to talk to him if you don't talk to him that much anymore".

I sighed "Why can't you ask him?"

"I will just write it in a note" she said.

Hey Hiro, I have a question. Why did you break up with Kyoko? Everything was going good and out of know where you just ended it. Why was that?
~ Kami. P.S and before you ask, it is me asking you. Not Kyoko.

When she was done writing it she went and gave it to Hiro. It didn't take him long to respond and when he did we both went outside to read it.

The reason why I broke up with Kyoko is because my ex girlfriend wanted me back...I never wanted to hurt Kyoko tho...

After that thoughts started racing through my head. Hmmm he never wanted to hurt me, he cried when he was going to break up with me the first time, he is avoiding eye contact. It's either Hiro feels really guilty or his ex forced him into breaking up with me and he felt really bad.

After I found this out I was pissed. I wanted to find that girl and punch her in the face. If she thinks she can control Hiro she can't, Hiro makes his own choices. I don't know why she thinks she has the right to boss around and to mess with mess with me...

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