Chapter 18- July 21 2014

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The days went by fast and before I knew it, it was my last day of school. Usually people are happy it is their last day because they have no more homework and crap, but on this day instead of smiling I was crying. Doesn't surprise me.

"Have a awesome day!" my mom shouted as I was walking toward the gates of my school. I turned around then smiled and gave her a thumbs up as I was walking into my school. When I entered my school I went to the table where my friends were sitting, we were talking about what we were going to do over the summer. We were also talking about the past 8th graders and looking at pictures from our childhood. childhood.

The whole day went by fast, mainly because it was a short day and I had substitutes in all my classes. Then the end of the day came...that is also when the tears began to fall.

More and more of my friends began to leave and the sadder and sadder I got, I don't know why I was so sad if I was coming back next year. Soon it was just me, Hiro, and my friends Caspy and Aina.

"Hiro are you sure your okay, you are acting different" I asked.

"There is something I need to tell you and Caspy" he said with tears forming in his eyes.

"What is it Hiro" asked Caspy in a concern voice.

He paused for a second then a tear went down his cheek. "I...I...I might move over the summer..."

I froze. A tear rolled down my cheek, then a other, and a other, until I broke down crying. When I looked over to Caspy she was drenched in tears.

"W-what do you mean you might move over the summer" I asked worried.

"My dads girlfriend lives out of the country and..." Hiro paused and began to cry. I turned over to my friend Aina and put my head to her shoulder and started to cry more. Caspy's car then pulled up, she ran over to me and wrapped her arms around me still cover with tears, then she went over to Hiro and gave him a hug. Caspy then left and after she left Aina left. It was just me and Hiro.

Me and Hiro stood in front of the fence just staring.

"There is a slight chance I might stay Kyoko..."

"You better stay, I don't know how I will live with out you" I said turning my head towards his.

"I am going to miss you a lot Kyoko. So much will eventually begin to hurt sooner or later".

I began to cry a little more. "A-and...I am also going to miss you. So much." I then looked up and I saw my moms car on the other side of the fence. Me and Hiro turned towards each other and immediately wrapped our arms around each other to form one last hug.

"Thank you for everything" I whispered in his ear. Then we both had to let go but before I left me and Hiro looked at each other one more time, then I ran to my car, threw my stuff in, put on my seatbelt and began to cry harder than ever. My mom tried comforting me but that didn't help. What if that was my last time seeing Hiro? What if he never comes back? What will I do then? How will I live? What would be the point to live if you feel like you will never smile a real smile again.

Why is this happening to me? Did I do something wrong to deserve this? Why is God putting me through this pain that I don't want to feel? Why me..?

...oh Kyoko...this is only the beginning...

Why Me (Book 1 to the Why Me Series)Where stories live. Discover now