Chapter 17- May-July 2014

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Me and Hiro eventually became best friends again. It took awhile to work our way up but we both made it happen. I wish you guys weren't friends. About at the end of May, Hiro was acting... different (again!) Every time I looked up he was staring at me, he would always be near me I guess you can say, at times he would wink at me, and there was one time where he put his head on my shoulder which in a way made me blush but also kinda scared me. Ughhhh get over all this crap!

Hiro definitely still liked me and did I like him...maybe... Okay yeah I did, but we stayed as best friends...we had to stay as best friends. Good Kyoko. At times Hiro would act like we were still dating and at other times he would just be plain dumb. There was a time at the end of the school year were me, Timiko, and Hana were in a argument and Hiro was my back up. That was the day were he also told me that he was still not over me. Once everything is going all nice and good and has to friken ruin it.

After that there was a couple times Hiro said he loved me, which just made me speechless. How does he do it? How does he make me fall in love with him over and over again? I'm going to get someone to kill Hiro. And why does he make me fall in love with him? Why me when there are better girls than me? I don't get Hiro and I never will but the thing that I hope to figure out even though I probably never will... How did Hiro get me to stop loving a guy that I liked so much, because my love for Kai was so strong I never noticed any other guy...but I noticed Hiro... Ummmmm...yup I got nothing for that one.

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