Chapter 2- March 23 2013

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"Agh. Is that really necessary " I said to my brother Kan.

He laughed and said "Yup, you always kill me now this is my revenge."

Me and my brother Kan don't get along that much but when we do it's because we are doing something we both like, which is either watching TV or playing a good video game and right now Kan was really kicking my butt in "Halo: Reach".

"Mom when will the Endo's be here?" asked my brother.

"Mrs. Endo just called and said that they were coming right now" said my mom.

I was happy that the Endo's were coming. The last time they were here was for my birthday and I have not seen Kai since his Dad's military retirement party. (Which was awesome!)

The door bell rang and my mom answered it. I knew I had to turn the game off, the only time the game could be on was if my dad turned it on and asked us to play. As I was turning the game off I started to blush, even though I did not even make eye contact with Kai yet. I turned around and put a smile on my face as I went over to hug the Endo's. Just not Kai. My mom, dad, and Mrs. Endo were in the kitchen talking and everyone else was outside in the back playing.

I stayed in the kitchen until my mom kicked me out and told me to go outside with everyone else. I tried to look "cool" when I went outside. Me and Kai kept making eye contact, but it was only for like a second then we both looked away. Kai then went inside which kinda bummed me out, but I blew it off and went to go talk to Kai's little sister.

My mom called everyone in for no reason. My dad then saw me and Kai bored and asked me and him "So how bout this guys you two against me in Halo"

"I'm in" I immediately said.

"So am I" said Kai with a small smile.

Now I really needed to do good in this match of Halo, just so I could impress my dad and Kai. We started the match and I killed my dad the whole first round, not really giving Kai a chance to kill him. I could tell by his face that he was impressed with me and that put a happy face on me.

We played Halo for 30 minutes then my mom told us to get off because it was time to eat. She made us tacos, which made me surprised because the last time a ate a taco was in October. After that we sang Mrs. Endo happy birthday because she would not be able to celebrate it on the day of her birthday. Don't ask why. We ate and talked for awhile, until it turned 8 pm.

At 8 the 2013 Kids Choice Awards started and we all went to the living room to watch it. The whole entire time me and Kai were making fun of the people preforming and winning the awards. Our parents eventually got annoyed and mad at us. At 10 pm the awards ended and it was time for the Endo's to leave.

I wished Mrs. Endo happy birthday again then hugged her. After her I hugged Kai's brother and sister. I turned around and Kai was in front of me then he smiled and opened his arms.

"Bye Kyoko" he said, then wrapped his arms around me and hugged me. I stood there smiling a blushing and I hugged back.

I walked Kai to his car and before he left he said "Next time we meet there is something important I need to tell you"

I blushed and so did he. I nodded and said "O-okay"

He smiled and jumped into his car and waved goodbye and I smiled and waved back.

I lied in my bed thinking about Kai. I remembered the first day I met him, he was shy and kept hiding behind stuff. I stopped talking to him in the 3rd grade for no reason, then in the 4th grade our parents started talking again and out of no where...I grew a love for him. Heh okay well actually we started talking more then I grew a love for him. I couldn't wait for the next time we would meet, I know he was going to tell me something that I was waiting to here. I just know it. I could feel it.

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