part 2

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Party outfit done. I tried on a million and one things till I decided to keep it very casual. tight black strapped top with some ripped black mom Jean's that I found stuffed at the bottom of my wardrobe even though I just neatly put everything away.

The heels I chose, yeah those had to go so I just decided on some white trainers and I'll leave the jacket cause I will probably get hot and just take my purse.
I was not about to go out in my creased up top that I napped in.

Walking out of the room I see Musa, Flora and Aisha all on the sofa just waiting for me I guess. Whoops.

Before approaching I saw Stella in her room and before I knew it I was stood in her doorway. An orb of light hovered to the side of the mirror she was looking into while fixing up her hair.

"staring much?" Okay kinda rude but whatever.
"What kind of magic is that, it looks beautiful and very cool" I was in awe, I had never seen anything that magical at Alfea yet.

"I'm a light fairy. It's a light orb, have you just never done magic episode before" she practically scoffed.

"Yeah I'm not exactly from here" I mumbled but of course Flora heard me.

She, closely followed by Aisha and Musa who I'm not even sure realised she was following, walked over to Stella's room.
"Wait so are you not from the other world?"

Flora of course asked the question.
"No I'm actually from Earth, I'm not sure what you would call it but not this dimension."

They all had puzzled looks on their faces, even Musa who I now realised was always listening. Good to know.

"This chat was great but can we all step away from my room and head to the party, it's almost 7 already for God's sake people" she practically shoved us out of her room, continuing to walk until we were all out of the room.

We all followed behind Stella, and I hot the chance to speak to Musa and Aisha a bit more and I learned that Aisha was a water fairy: opposite to me. Musa was a mind fairy and Flora asked what her link was but she had the chance to press that question, we had all made it to the party and Musa darted to the drinks.

Stella disappeared as soon as we got there while Flora decided to head towards Musa to get a drink herself.
Aisha stuck with me and we made our way to the snacks as we were both equally hungry.

I took in the atmosphere as we ate some snacks. The music was blasting from all speakers that surrounded the quad, the ground practically vibrating from the volume of it. People playing drinking games left right and centre, while shouts and laughter rang through the air. The smell of alcohol filled the air making it's way to my nose, and fixing my eyes on the many drinks adjacent to us on a large table.

And I thought it would be all work no play here. I am so glad I was wrong. This is in fact what I needed.

"I'm gonna go get a drink, wanna come?" Aisha shouted to me, shaking my head, she nodded and made her way over to where Musa and Flora stood awkwardly by them. Hopefully Aisha being there will make that entire picture just better than what it was right now.

Standing against a pillar next to an archway overlooking the entire thing, a cup appears in front of my face. I look up and see the guy. The guy on the quad. The carved by gods guy.

"Want it?" He raised an eyebrow as he hovered over me waiting for me to reply, instead I stared. He chuckled to himself while in was stupidly zoned out.
"Not spiked right?" I half joked around because in the end he was just a stranger at a party offering me a red solo cup filled with whatever it is.

"Course not, just vodka and lemonade, mostly vodka" his green eyes poured into mine as I took the cup from his hands.
"Thanks I guess" I dragged out taking a sip before I started downing it. Yes I like my alcohol, not a crime, well depending on what happened as a result but nothing will.

"Woah okay slow down firefly" he chuckled prying the cup from my hands, "what exactly is your name"

"It's Ayla, what about you then?" I asked disregarding the little nickname of firefly he's given to me.
"I'm Riven, you're a fairy right?"

I nod "fire", he just smirked "why are you smiling" I asked suddenly insecure as his smirk never faltered, his brown eyes continuing to stare into my hazel ones.

"nothing" he said before looking to his right where Stella and a tall blonde guy had appeared.

"fuck same Riven, stay away from the first years especially the ones in my suite" Stella rolled her eyes giving me a small smile. Wow, was that... emotion? Coming from Stella of all people, I'm shocked but I will gladly take it.

"Thanks Stel but it was just harmless chats and alcohol" Riven put his hands up in surrender as if he were being accused of a crime and arrested.

"Right Riv, who is this new friend of yours" the blonde boy spoke up.
"This is Ayla, Ayla this is Sky" Stella spoke before Riven could even think to answer the question. He just rolled his eyes and leaned against the wall behind him.

I saw Aisha laughing with Musa and Flora who was also accompanied by a dark skinned boy, taking small sips of his drink. I was going to make my way over, feeling out of place with all the second years but then Stella started walking over to them with Sky.

"After you" Riven bowed waiting for me to follow them which I did, going to stand in between Aisha and Flora. They both said hi and Musa smiled before drinking some more.

"Oo Ayla this is Dane, he's a first year, really nice" Flora introduced me to him and I was greeted with a smile.
"Alright, should we all go back to the suite and all hang there for a while?" Stella asked the group, eventhough it sounded like it was a plan already put in place rather than a question.

"Um Stel, not to sound like a buzz kill but if the teachers find out its game over for all of us" Flora expressed, concerned about this plan, understandably I mean I dont feel like getting into shit my first day.

"They won't find out, they can stay over so no one catches them and then they'll leave in the morning when everyones asleep. Classes don't start for another day anyways" Stella explained clearly frustrated but also as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

Flora just sighed and nodded while mumbling something under her breath before Stella smiled and started heading to the room, Sky catching up to her quickly.

So this night can go really shit and be messy as hell, or really fun and everyone has a good time. I hope it's the latter option.

aaaand we finally officially met Riven. yep I love him a lot.
let me know thoughts and whatever else about this book :) -S

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