part 7

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Riven started walking so I followed him until he spoke again.

"Look if you're worrying about me telling anyone, I won't," Okay now I was confused like why the hell not.

"I'm not as much of an arse as you think I am, I won't tell a soul," he turned to look at me before I simply nodded.

"I only brought it up because I wanted to know if it was true." we just continued walking in silence until we reached my suite door, which I didn't even realise we were walking too.

I kind of just kept walking beside him not knowing where I was going but I guess now we're here, just in time before they all get suspicious.

"Bye Riven," I just gave him a slight smile. "Goodnight firefly," he spoke as he turned and walked back down the hallway to get to the boys side I was guessing.

I walked in casually as if nothing had happened, "Found it?" Flora asked popping her head from around her door as she heard the main one open and close.

I just smiled and waved my phone in the air, "Yeah I think I'm just gonna go have a shower and have an early night." I said before disappearing into my room.

Aisha wasn't here, probably gone for a swim. I grabbed my towels and pyjamas ready to go before my phone lit up in my hands.

My parents. I hadnt spoken to them since I left for 'boarding school' in the Switzerland. Yes they messaged from time to time, but no calls until now.

"Ayla?", God hearing their voices was amazing, I missed them.
"Hi mum, dad, how have you been?"

"We've been good hunny but how are you? Settled in yet? We wanted to give you a few days to do that before calling you," My mum spoke first.

If only they knew the events of this evening.

"It's been amazing honestly it has. All my suite mates are so nice, we're all good friends and I've made a few others, but I miss you guys."

I didn't even notice a tear had left my eye until I tasted the saltiness on my tongue. I quickly wiped it away.

"We miss you too sweetie, beyond words but this was the right move for you. New friends, experiences," My dad was now speaking.

Hearing his voice and him saying he missed me was enough for another year to come falling down, "What if this was the wrong move though. Being so far from home and you guys. Maybe I'm not ready to be here with all these people."

I was starting to think that. Yes the people here are great but now someone knew the truth. I don't even know how and I was too stupid to ask the obvious of just that.

All these people, my friends, I've come to trust them and like them, as I'm sure they do with me. Yet, non of them know the most important thing about me, heck neither do my parents and they raised me.

"You belong there, at that school. You are too special for here, your art and mind is so creative and this move was the right one trust me," I could see the sad smile on my dads face.

Yes they thought I was here in an art program perusing that, wait till they find out.

"Ayla hunny, are you alright?" my mothers concerned voice sounded at my lack of response.

I nodded my head, more to myself, "Yeah, thankyou, I'm always better after speaking to you guys. Look I've actually got to get to class now," I wiped away yet another tear.

"Alright we love you Ayla, remember that."
"Yeah dad, I love you guys too. Bye," I said before ending the call and blinking my eyes fast to stop that last tear from running down my face.

"Oh God Ayla are you alright?" Aisha had appeared in the doorway walking in and asked this after taking one look at my bloodshot eyes.

"Yeah I'm fine, just spoke to my parents and as you can see I got a bit emotional," I said pointing to my eyes.

She nodded and gave me a sympathetic smile before I headed out for a shower.

-half an hour later-

I walked into the room, hair damp and I smiled to Aisha who sat up. I felt a bit better now after that, it allowed me to clear my head.

"Ayla I've got a question, it's about your parents," I sat on my bed confused but I told her to go on.

"Well if your parents are human, like you said they were then how come you're a fairy? Powerful one at that." Oh God. I was waiting for this to come up but tonight? really?

This was going to happen sooner or later, might as well be honest about it. Plus its Aisha, I trust her,
"You have to swear that you won't tell anyone, not even the other girls." I said this with a serious straight face.

She swore to me she wouldn't say anything and so I continued to tell her everything.
"The only reason I'm here is because Ms Dowling found me after I started a fire in this warehouse near my house," She just sat there listening, no expression on her face.

"No one was hurt it was just me there. It was after an argument with my mum about how I'm not the cheerleader daughter she wanted, which lead to ne storming out of the house. Ms Dowling found me that evening and she already knew about me, and that's when she told me I was a changeling."

That last part came out muffled but she still heard it all, only she didn't say anything to me.

"Look I'm sorry for lying to you all and I get it if you don't want me to be around you at all, I'll lea-" I was cut off when she came over to me and pulled me into a hug.

"You don't have to apologise for this. You're not the one to blame, you didn't do anything and I understand why you didn't tell any of us but I'm glad that you trusted me with this. I can promise you I will not tell anyone. You're my friend, regardless of this whole changeling stuff, I know it must've been rough."

Shock. I definitely thought she would think I'm this crazy person but she understands.

"Thankyou Aisha, I appreciate that I really do," I let a smile replace the shock on my face.

"Anytime, but now we really should sleep," 10pm. So much for a somewhat early night.

With that we both went to bed and got some rest for school tomorrow.
That was a great first day...


The week went by smoothly. Aisha didn't bring up what we spoke about and we just carried on as usual. 

Classes we alright aside from the fact that I couldn't even create a small flame of fire for the life of me. It was so frustrating watching everyone do it so easily. Stella literally snaps her fingers and light appears.

I'm going to keep a level head. But your power comes from emotion so maybe I need to do the opposite of that. I mean I was but maybe I'm class I just needed to do it a bit more for something to happen.

Nothing really happened. As I said, it went by pretty smoothly. Only a few interactions with Riven.

It was only when he sat with us rarely at dinner sometimes, and it really was just him mercifully teasing me and calling me Firefly constantly.

The name was growing on me I cannot lie.

Then again when I decided to down to where the specialists train for an hour with Stella before dinner on Wednesday. She was a lot nicer than she seemed when we first met. I was happy about that.

Now we had just finished dinner and everyone made their way back to the suite. I decided I wanted to go on a quick walk just to clear my head.

When I got back to the suite it had just gone 7. I was not prepared for what faced me behind that door.

Well, I guess the truth does always come out.
What's going to happen with Ayla when she enters the suite?

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