part 1

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A/N so this will always be from Ayla's pov unless it says otherwise laddios. she will be taking over Bloom's role but I mean it's more interesting that way :)


Okay, Alfea. You're just a school. A massive school filled with fairies and magic and specialist fighters. Yeah totally normal, nothing weird about this at all. my smile and excitement? Yeah I left that at the gates. Now it's all pale face and fear, of what I'm not sure but the building alone is intimidating. I mean I'd being lying if I said the excitement had completely gone, but there wasn't a lot of it right now.

The history and magic is practically beaming off the walls of the walls and I clearly have nothing to do with this place. All these people around me have their families and stories to tie them to everything here. me? Yeah I just have fire that likes to surprise me every now and again.

Everyone looks so normal, no wings but the occasional magic: yeah that's gonna freak me out for a while, as if it wasn't obvious enough already that I don't belong here. 
If I knew about the 'other world' sooner, I would've come here just to look at the place. It was a literal castle, filled with fairies, and I was going to be living here. This is what I needed, to be somewhere that could really help me. 

"Hey!" this girl calls out, shouting across the quad to me. Yep that'll earn me some stares, perfect. This one guy staring though, carved by the gods I swear but my staring time is cut short when she appears in front of me with a massive smile.

"Um hey, are you Flora?" I was praying it was her, not some deranged fairy, so I smiled.            "Yep and that means you are Ayla. Well, welcome to Alfea, I'm your guide and suite mate." seems kinda chatty but nice which is way better than deranged.

I know she's a year above so this can't be too bad, although she doesn't really seem very party-ish. I love parties, the music, alcohol, games and I'm in my element. I'm guessing there won't be much of that here though but that'll be better for me.

"Okay so I was thinking suite first and you can meet everyone else then I'll show you around the rest of the school. Does that sound alright?" I could tell she was excited about this, and it was starting to build in me again. I nodded and smiled before she, squealed? Not gonna question it, she's the only person I know here right now and I can't lose that.

Wait, others? "umm how many others are we talking about" God please don't be too many.                                      "oh just me, another second year, and two other first years" she kept walking but the smile did not leave her face. Okay only 5 of us, that's manageable.

We walked through the school to get to the end with all the dorm rooms and it was mesmerising. There were statues, and massive paintings that had all these people in it, probably important historical figures for this place. The walls were decorated with the finest details all the way up until we were met with the wooden double door leading to our dorm.

Behind the door, the living room alone was better than I could've thought. Although I did notice the unusual amount of plants that were just, everywhere. Flora must have noticed me eyeing them all.

"The plants yeah, they are all mine. I'm a nature fairy, I can manipulate their growth and how they act" she stood there speaking about it so casually, well I guess it's not weird to them. "What about you, what kind of fairy are you?"

"Uh fire fairy, not the best one though" yeah hopefully after a while that won't sound so weird everytime I hear or say it.
"oh my God!! I've never been friends with a fire fairy, their power is so cool" okay I like her and she's my first official friend so that's a bonus.

She took my to my room, and I'm sharing with another girl, not sure what her name is yet. The room is quite big though, a nice little bay window and I have my own desk and side. I can also see Flora added her own touch already: a perfectly white rose in a glass vase in the corner of my desk.

I smiled at her, I loved white Rose's,
"thankyou for the flower Flora, it really is so pretty"
"I'm glad, but yeah I'll let you settle in" she beamed as she walked to her room while she was going to be sharing with a first year.

My clothes were all put away, bed made and all my shit was pretty much out on the desk. I put up a photo frame of me and my parents, I kept the rose where it was and just had some notebooks piled up on the side.

"hello?" When I tell you I turned around quick, my neck quite literally cracked. Yeah don't creep up on me it's not good.
"Ouch that sounded like it hurt"

"Yeah well you're not wrong, but who are you?" Idiot, she's obviously your suite mate who else.
"Suite mate Aisha, present" she smiled as she walked in.

Now I have to stand up, goodbye bed.

"Welcome to our suite, I'm Ayla" She nodded at me and put her stuff on her bed. She seemed pretty chilled out, this won't be that bad if everyones like Aisha and Flora.


I'm hearing my name being called out but I'm too tired for that.
"AYLA!!" fuckkkk okay why are people so noisy.

Last thing I remember, it was 12pm and I fell back on my bed while Aisha unpacked. IT'S NOW 6PM LIKE HOW DOES THAT EVEN HAPPEN. I swear I have to stop napping so much it's ridiculous.

"jesus stop the shouting Flora and... who are you?" That's definitely not Aisha.

"Musa, and I wasn't screaming that was all our cheery friend here" she shot her eyes to Flora and put on her headphones, before she walked put to the living room.

Yeah not gonna bother saying anything, she won't hear me.
"Come on, the party starts in an hour, we are all ready and Aisha's, yeah not too sure she just said she was going for a swim"

"right and what party is this and why wasn't I told about it" I wake up, I hear party. Why am I the last to know about this.

"Oh damn I forgot to tell you sorry" Flora looked panicked so I just waved it off. "No its fin-"

"OKAY what's with the shouting, I mean seriously Flora" this blonde haired girl storms into my room, wearing clothes that look more expensive than my entire wardrobe.

"Ayla this stella the other second year, Stella this is Ayla, the last first year for you to meet" Flora went through the introductions I'm guessing in Hope's to calm down Stella.

"Hello" she smiled but only slightly before shaking my hand. "I'm gonna get ready" she kind of mumbled while walking away.

Okay atleast all the introductions are out of the way but now I have to get ready for this party. Shit.


PART ONE IS DONE!!! I hope you enjoyed that and that it wasn't too boring or whatever. Thankyou you for reading it all and not giving up half way -S

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