part 18

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I opened the door and there he stood, staring at me until he finally spoke, "Umm can we talk?" I shook my head as I looked back to Aisha on the sofa, "Not here." I walked into my room with him following behind me.

We stood there for a minute on either side of the room in silence. "So what did you want to talk about?" I acted as if I knew nothing, but I had a feeling it was about how I had been acting towards him today.

"What was up with you today?" I looked up at him at him with a blank expression because I really did not want to admit the reason why.
"I've been perfectly fine."

"Yeah perfectly fine as in ignoring me, being blunt and acting as if you don't care about me at all." That's where he was so wrong, I did all this because I was starting to care too much. This could not happen.

"Look I'm sorry for acting how I did, I was just having a bad day and didn't want to be around you," Damn that was harsh of me. I have to explain this somehow, it's unfair if I don't but if I do, it could fuck up everything.

"But why me? I'm the one helping you and I care about you." His eyes were full of emotions and I'm pretty sure this wasn't how he normally acted with girls.

"That's the problem Riven," He looked so confused as I started to slowly walk nearer to where he stood.

"How is us caring about each other a problem in any way? You're one of the first people in a really long time that I have actually cared about this much." His voice was raised a little, thankfully the door was closed because I did not want Aisha to witness this.

I had been at Alfea for about 2 weeks and in that time everything had moved so fast. My friendships I formed happened so quick along with all the information I learned, it had all happened within these weeks. Riven was one of those things that had happened and it did so fast that I barely even realized it.

I guess here everything does move fast, especially for me because I've had to catch up on everything in these weeks that all of these people had their lives to figure out.

"It's a problem because we are getting too close and I don't know how to handle this." Oh shit, I'm definitely gonna expose myself and look like the worlds biggest idiot. But I have too, or everything will get so much worse.

"What are you talking about, what exactly is 'this'?" He spoke softly as if I were going to break at any moment, "You know what I mean." He came closer to me.

"I do but I need you to say it so I know I'm not going crazy." I looked at him half not wanting to admit it but the other half of me wanted to so badly, "I like you Riven, how you treat me and looked after me so many times."

He brings his face down to mine and I swear in that moment, my legs could've gave out and my mind could have shut down, "And I like you, the way you don't give two shits and you're so strong given everything. "

So we just did that. And now our faces are unusually close together and that's how we stayed for a moment not really sure what the hell we do now. But it was true and it was out there. He was the one who was always there even when I didn't know I needed him to be.

There was nothing else I wanted more today than to speak to him, to tell him how I felt and I was so sure he didn't feel the same way but I guess we both realised it.

"So what happens no-" and then I shoved him back as I heard footsteps coming towards the door and a second later Aisha appeared in the doorway.

"Umm hey Riven?" we were now stood a metre or so apart from each other and now I had to come up with an excuse.
"Sorry Aisha we spoke in here because you were asleep. Riven just came round because well he got kicked out from his room and he needed to stay somewhere." She just looked at me.

"I was gonna suggest he take the sofa and you come in here-" She cut me off straight away, " No it's fine, can stay in here. Yours or my bed is fine, the sofa's kinda comfy you know." then she sent me a quick wink. Yeah she either heard the whole thing or I am the crappiest liar alive.

She had walked back into the living room now, "So uh you can take my bed and I'll sleep in Ais-" God what is with everyone cutting me off this evening. "No we are not going ignore what we said." I nodded knowing he was right.

"You're right and we won't but can we get through tomorrow and then figure out everything please," He nodded but then a smirk appeared on his face.

"Yeah we can leave it for right now but only if you let me sleep in your bed with you." He was really doing this, manipulating what I want to get what he wants. Smart I'll give him that.

"Fine you can sleep with me." He nodded again and just took off his shirt and he was already wearing black joggers. I was staring, I knew I was but I didn't want to stop. He was, and I will always stand by this, carved by bloody gods.

"Enjoying the show?" I glare at him because yes it was obvious but I did not want to admit it, "turn around now." He obediently did so within a second.

I took off my jumper and got changed into a lose top instead and kept my shorts on. I turned around to tell Riven he could do the same but all I saw was his bare back. My mind went blank as I studied all the muscle lines that travelled across it. God he was hot.

"Can I turn around yet?" He almost whined because I was taking so long, "Uh yeah sure." I said as I made my way over to my bed walking past him.

I climbed in and he got in beside me. Quickly checking my phone then putting it down onto my desk, I turned to face Riven, "Hey Riv?" He looked at me his eyes pouring deeply into mine. He nodded after.

"When do you think you knew that you actually liked me?" He smiled to himself as he looked at me, "I think I always had a feeling, I mean you were the only girl who thought I was a dick and challenged me on it. Plus, you are.. beautiful so I would be mad not too."

His compliments and honesty made me smile and I nodded my head. He didn't say anything else, just kept staring at me until I felt my cheeks start to heat up, so I turned my body to face away to him.

My back was now up against his bare chest and I could feel his abs through my top. I had finally relaxed and moved away a bit and then, his arm was slung around my waist and I found myself being pulled closer to him until our bodies were touching.

I flinched slightly at the contact and as his head came to rest, nestled into the side of my neck. Feeling his breath on my neck and shoulders send shivers through my entire body and I gues he thought I was cold and he brought up the covers and brought me closer to him, if that was even possible.

I'd known him 2 weeks and yet, he was my safety net and I was what he found comfort in.
Fast I know but nothing had happened slowly while at Alfea, it had been one thing to another but this, I liked this one.

I drifted off into a peaceful sleep, laying there in his arms as a feeling of pure bliss washed over me. I liked him and he liked me, that was all I needed in these moments to know I had made all of the right moves.

OKAY SO my updating will get better I promise.
Kinda not vibing right now but that's fine.

As long as these chapters are enjoyable for you all and it's not hated then it will all be good.

I do hope you enjoyed this part, if so please vote and lemme know :)

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