part 24

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It was now Wednesday, as busy as yesterday and our second training session with the specialists. Last session was a bore and we were just taught the very basics by Silva who walked around with his walking stick, I may need one soon if this Carries on.

Today was the day we got to pair up with a specialist and get taught proper combat and how to really defend ourselves. However, that was at the end of the day so I had to attend my English, science and maths before.

I got ready for the day, quickly brushing my teeth and hair, washing my face and then applying minimal make up: mascara and lip balm. Then I chose out my clothes which were light-blue, ripped mum jeans, paired with a cropped red tee. The weather was meant to be nice today but not too hot so I can't wear shorts or a skirt.

I didn't mind English much at all as it was practically history about Alfea instead of normal lessons back home on long, boring novels that non of us knew anything about. There was a lot to know about the history of this realm, wars and empires, the royal families like Stella and Sky's. Domino was never spoken about though, but I understood why.

After breakfast, me, Musa and Aisha spent the next hour in English and then another Science which was boring as hell. We all managed to make it through though, talking and passing notes as Professor Harvey spoke about elements and all that stuff. I never did pay much attention to class back home but I understood it easily, so I never bothered until that last minute for exams and homework. Here it was different, most of it was new and homework was a lot harder, being magic and all.

We all spent our break for the next 40 minutes in the canteen, talking and chilling out which I definitely needed. This scratch really made me tired and I hated feeling this weak but I can't do anything about it. Riven and Sky along with Dane were all still training, something the teachers had made them do more often now the threat of the burned ones was more apparent. Flora joined us at break but Stella wondered off with some other friends of hers but messaged me.

Hey I won't be at break,
but I hope you're feeling
alright today.

I was actually shocked to see how quickly Stella had warmed up to me, despite her initial cold shoulder and her continuous one to the others. We all know she means well in the end.

After that maths lasted only under an hour as they didn't really mind if we knew it or not at this point. They seemed to give us a few sheets and then leave us to do whatever, which resulted in me talking to Musa and Bestrix for the entire time.

"So what's happening with the burned ones?" And there it was, the question on everyones mind all the time, however the answer was always the same.

"They're no closer to finding them and I'm not really sure how they will at this rate." Sure it scared me that they weren't any closer, I knew I didn't have much longer left but surely they will kill it.

Thankfully neither of them pressed the matter and we continued the lesson until the bell rang and we had a free period along with lunch after that. We decided to head down to where the specialists were training and I didn't mind the walking as I wasn't feeling that bad today. The elixir was working really well today but I knew it hadn't been killed as the mark continued to spread.

As we made our way over to where both Sky and Riven trained, along with Dane observing, we couldn't spot Silva anywhere. Flora and Stella had joined us this time to come to the training grounds and both boys ended combat a few minutes after they arrived.

Sky went over to sit with Stella on the bench alone, his face not having any spark to it, just dull. Everyone else had gathered to sit down on the grass while I made my way over to where Riven was unwrapping his hands.

"Hey gorgeous." He smiled down at me before jumping down to stand beside me, but I just rolled his eyes at his constant flirting. I could see Aisha and Musa staring at us and smiling, they obviously knew something was going on, the other two were clearly oblivious.

"Hey Riv. Where's professor Silva today?" Riven's face hardened slightly and his tone when he next spoke was serious.

"He's on bed rest because he can't walk anymore, he can barely talk and can't eat or drink anything." He looked past me over to where Sky sat speaking to Stella who had a concerned look on her face, "It's not looking good for him, or Sky at this rate. God I hate seeing him like this."

It was clear to anyone who saw the two of them that their bond went beyond friendship, it was brotherly and from what I've heard about Sky and Silva, he's all Sky has left. The thought that what was happening to Silva was inevitably going to happen to me, scared me a lot.

It must have shown as Riven's expression fell into guilt as he looked down at him, "Hey hey look at me." He lifted my chin up with his finger so that I was looking directly at him.

"That won't happen to you I swear. Believe me, I won't let it." His eyes softened and his voice was deep but sweet. It always was when he spoke to me. I only nodded and let myself smile slightly.

"Come on." He placed an arm around my shoulder to which I fell into comfortably, as we walked over to where everyone sat.

No one seemed to question how were were acting with each other, as if they knew or didn't care. Aisha and Musa definitely knew and so did Beatrix but  Stella and Sky were occupied, while Flora and Dane sat there non the wiser. Beatrix was making her way down to sit with them all, taking her place beside Dane.

"Hey guys!" Everyone greeted her and smiled as she naturally joined in the conversation. As she looked over to me, she raised an eyebrow at our current position and smirked. Riven's arm was now placed around my waist  and I laid my head on his shoulder. I just rolled my eyes and smiled at Beatrix before she returned to her conversation.

{Riven's POV}
I love whenever Ayla is around, it makes me feel stuff I haven't before and that's all because of her. Never have I opened up or felt comfortable enough with a girl to admit feelings or even gain them in the first place.

The pain Ayla was feeling right now and had been for a while was something I did not want to see at all so if no one's putting a stop to any of this then I will.

"Hey I've got to talk to Sky about something, I'll talk to you during training later Firefly." I stood up to left after she nodded and gave her a kiss on her forehead. I'm not quite sure why, I didn't mean too but it felt like natural.

Walking away I didn't look back at her to see her reaction, I hope it wasn't a bad one. Ah shit.
"Sky!" He looked up as I gestured my head in the way opposite to where all of our friends were sat, as he stood up to come join me. Obviously he gave Stella a kiss, I don't know what he sees in her.

"What's up Riv?" A crazy idea, one all of our friends would disagree with, one which could potentially kill us, or if we succeed be killed by the school.

Either way, I needed to do this because no way was I letting any of this carry on, "You and I, we're going after those burned ones."

Here is another chapter! I updated, shocking I know.

I really hope you enjoyed it, vote or comment to let me know :)

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