part 17

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My phone buzzed beside me on my pillow as I clearly forgot to put it down last night before I went to sleep. I groaned as I went to look at Aisha and see she wasn't there. Meaning I should probably get up.

I turned on my phone to see a message from a number I didn't recognise.

?: Morning Firefly ;)

Obviously Riven. I should never have given him my number because now it's going to be constant annoyance from him.

             A: I was asleep Riven but good                   morning I guess.

Riv: Aw sorry Firefly :/
But you do need to get up.

I did not want to wake up so I didn't reply to his stupid texts, which it was way too early for. I fell back onto my bed but Aisha came in dragging off my covers clapping her hands at me.

I actually decided to wake up. Plus, today was Thursday so we got to practice magic. There have been so many times where I wanted to just try it, but I was doing well in class now and I didn't want to lose control again.

I got dressed into a light blue jumper and just some black Jean's. I didn't feel like dressing very nice or even going to classes but what can you do.

Musa was stood by the door 20 minutes later, waiting for us so Aisha and I could go to breakfast with her. She was in a good mood so I guessed things were going well with Sam.

We made our way down to breakfast and sat down with our food. I saw Riven, Sky and Stella leaving the hall just as Beatrix appeared at our table.

"Hey I was wondering if I could sit with you guys, get to actually know you maybe?" She seemed sincere and I knew she was trying to help. All she wanted was our home back and our truth to be known which I understood perfectly.

I glanced at Aisha and Musa but they didn't seen bothered, "Yeah of course." I smiled at her and she returned it.

Surprisingly, she was getting along nicely with Aisha and Musa, taking genuine interest. We were family, maybe even the last bit of it we had so I get why she wanted to try.

Breakfast was done so we all made our way to our first class with Ms Dowling together. We all entered with smiles on our faces and Dowling smiled to me, probably glad that I was now trying to get to know her.

Taking our seats Ms Dowling started to say something, "Okay today, we are going to learn what emotion or what trigger makes our magic the most powerful." lucky for me, I already knew that. Rage.

"So everyone in their pairs, speak about experiences and try to figure out the source of what makes you you." Me and Aisha turned to each other. I actually didn't know what triggers she had. She always seemed so put together, as if she never messed up.

"So what are your triggers or has anything ever happened with you to make you lose control?" I was actually really intrigued. Musa was sat with her partner who I was not particularly fond of and Beatrix sat with a girl I didn't know.

"Well, one time when I was in the 4th grade," Okay this is gonna be good. "This kid kept stealing my things and I was just getting more and more annoyed. Next thing I knew, everywhere water could come from it did. And I mean everywhere."

Thinking about it all yeah that's disgusting, "Even toilets?" She looked at me as she cringed as the memory and nodded. I burst out into a fit of laughter at the thought of that. Ms Dowling did not look impressed and shot a subtle glare my way. Quickly shutting up I looked at Aisha, "Well umm that sounds really interesting.."

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