part 3

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The walk back and the suite was cold compared to the party filled with masses of people. Now that I think about it, everything about this place was pretty normal, aside from the fact it was a school for fairies.

Everyone dressed the same, spoke the same like the accents and everything, they all even have social media. Not at all what I expected but I guess the closer to my normal it is, the easier it will all be to stay here.

The common area was soon packed. Stella sitting on Sky's lap who was sitting on the arm chair next to the sofa. That's where Aisha, Musa and Flora sat. I sat on the other armchair beside that and then next to me was this fluffy white beanbag where Riven and Dane decided to sit.

I went to get my zip-up white hoodie and then came back and sat down with the rest of them.

Everyone was already having conversations, well Stella and Sky seemed to be having more than a conversation till she broke them out of their little bubble.

"So... Musa!" that shout causing Musa's head to shoot up and take off her headphones. "yeah?"

"Well I know Flora's a nature fairy, Aisha's water and Ayla is fire but I still don't know what you are" Stella asked raising an eyebrow towards her.

"Mind fairy, I already said that" she said quickly, slightly confused.
"Yeah yeah I know that but what tie do you have is it memories, thoughts..." Stella trailed off moving her hand telling Musa to explain.

"I'm actually kinda curious myself" I added on.

"Let's just say I can feel Stella's attraction to sky, Flora's excitement about God knows what and Ayla's just mix of everything" Musa explained meaning forwards. That was the first time she's said more than two words to everyone together.

"Emotions, very cool" Flora of course commented.
"Headphones help block it all put you know" Musa said as she leaned back but not putting the headphones on again.

Stella just nodded before continuing with more questions.
"And Ayla, you're new to, well this entire world" I just nodded curious as to what would leave Stella's mouth next.
"How have you liked it here, this place, the people, any guys you got your eye on?" she asked this nicely but also in a threatening way, I'm guessing about Sky.

"Of course you added the part about the guys" Aisha remarked as Riven whistled, obviously hoping for some sort of cat fight.

"And what's that meant to mean" Stella spoke with gritted teeth.
Aisha leaned forward as to speak before I got in there first.

"It's been great" Aisha leaned back and they both focused on me. Thank fuck. "Yeah you guys have been so nice and helpful with everything and it's only my first day so no guys as of right now" I motioned towards Sky.

Stella instantly seemed less tense and leaned back into Sky. She seemed pretty possessive and jealous when it came to him but it's understandable. I mean he is very hot but he's Stella's and I wouldn't go for him anyways so she should really relax.

"Enough with the 21 questions, can we do something" Riven said before smoke filled my vision after he took a hit from the blunt him and Dane had been passing back and forth.

"Want a hit firefly?" he looked up at me but I just shook my head and he just continued, "fire fairy doesn't want a smoke?" he chuckled looking to Dane raising his eyebrows.

"Nope I'm good" I said looking away. Why the hell does he sound like such a dick, he seemed chill at the party. But I guess it's cause I took the drink and now I don't want to smoke he's not all chill. That's bloody nice.

I roll my eyes. Aisha catches it and raises a concerned look to me but i just smile and shrug it off. All the hot ones are shit, I know that anyway.


We had music playing low in the background so the teachers wouldn't catch us out.
"Damn what's the time" Sky's reminder to check made and my eyes widened, "2am, I'm beat" Sky said standing up with his arm around Stella.

"Sky mate where you headed already" Riven threw his arms up.
"BED!" Sky stumbled as he walked to Stella's, considering him and Dane snuck a few bottles of alcohol from the party to the suite. We had all been drinking in here and talking for the past 3 hours since we left the party.

About an hour ago Flora and Musa disappeared to their room, the drinks had caught up to them I guess and now Aisha seemed to be falling asleep on the sofa.

I didn't tell her to go to the room because 1. she had already fallen asleep and 2. I was too drunk to look out for anyone else.

Silence fell in the room as the only people left in it was me, Aisha asleep on the sofa, Dane asleep on the beanbag and Riven had moved to stand against the wall with a drink in hand after Sky and Stel left.

God knows how he's standing after all that weed and the drinks. I'm not sure if I could make it to my room but I will. Somehow.

I stood up slowly, "You going aswell now" Riven groaned realising he was the only one who wanted the party to continue.
"Yess I am doing that" was that a proper sentence like does that even make sense? Eh too drunk to care.

I took a step and stumbled, not falling yet.
"Alright firefly, let's get you into your bed without cracking open your skull" Riven said half joking, half serious as he made his way to me, holding me up with one of his arms as we walked to my room.

He sat me down on my bed and I zoned out on his face before he snapped his fingers in my face. I was brought back to some reality yes, but my vision went blurry and so I continued to fall back onto my bed.

I let out a groan followed by curse words mumbled under my breath, this obviously creating some amusement for Riven as he laughed while going to lay down on Aisha's bed.

"Shut up and what are you doing?" I asked quickly once my sight came back to me and I saw him getting comfortable in Aisha's bed.

"She takes my bed, I take hers" he says casually before letting the comfort of sleep consume me.

If you're still reading this far then thankyou so much!!!

We got to see the group all together and some tension quickly rise and fall between our light and water fairies.
Riven an Ayla seem to get along, partly.
I hope you enjoy the rest of what you read and what you just did -S

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