part 20

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-friday afternoon-

Hours passed by of us all talking and laughing about whatever came to mind. It was now 3 in the afternoon and we had already gone to eat lunch and came back to bask in the sun that wasn't very common.

"You know what would be fun?" Riven's idea of fun is just being reckless and someone ends up hurt but I am intrigued. We had been sitting beside each other almost the entire time and every now and again he would brush his hand across mine or up my arm and it gave me an amazing sense of reassurance.

"Alright what is it?" "Yeah tell," I could tell Sky and Musa were interested but Flora and Aisha wore concerned expressions. Beatrix wore a smile and her eyes had a glint of mischief in them showing she was as intrigued as me.

"Well, how about we go outside of the boarder?" I looked at him shocked at the suggestion, "Uh Riv have you forgotten what happened the last time people left the barrier?" He was ridiculous.

He brought his arm to rest along my shoulders and shook me slightly, "Don't even worry Firefly, there's an old shack out there and it's chill and away from everything." He wore this innocent smile yet everything he was saying suggested the complete opposite.

"We would love to stay for this but sadly we don't want too." Aisha announced standing up followed by Flora, "So you're just leaving like that?" Dane raised a brow at Flora.

She nodded and turned away to walk with Aisha. This just left me, Riven, Musa, Stella, Sky, Beatrix and Dane however, Dane quickly stood and told us how he had promised some of his friends he would meet up with them. I would have thought he would want to stay for this.

Honestly I don't want to do this but Riven is and I don't feel like leaving them all out there by themselves even though I know they can protect themselves. Plus, being with Riven was what I wanted and it brought me a sense of security when around him.

"Alright guys are we heading out then?" Riven stood up and so did Stella and Sky. Beatrix made her way over to me and Riven, Musa was about to do the same until her name was called out, "Musa!" She turned around and I saw the same guy from the party. Sam, Flora's brother.

"Sam? Why are you here?" They started speaking among themselves but I heard her explain what we were doing and he wanted to join along. She looked back to face us all with a  questioning look, "The more the merrier, right Firefly?" He had his arm around me again, "Yeah of course." I just smiled at him.

We all made our way through the forest, so far so good. We had only come across small woodland animals but no burned ones although that was all I was expecting. Riven must have noticed me become tense as we walked behind them all, him directing them as we went, and he brought my hand into his own and gave it a squeeze. He leant down to my ear, "I'm here, nothing's going to happen don't worry." He said it so confidently yet so sweet as he whispered it in my ear and I nodded, smiling at him.

Finally the wooden shack came into view, "This is where you wanted to take us?" Stella turned her head up in disgust and disappointment. Sam and Musa had already started to enter until we heard it.

An animalistic growl, also sounding demonic as it echoed through the trees, not letting us know how close it was to us. We weren't too deep into the forest but we were far enough.

Sam and Musa emerged from the shack, "What the hell was that?" She was whispering but it sounded like a shout as she looked at me and my only expression being fear. I had no doubt it would be a burned one.

This may be the same one that attacked Silva. If we were to kill this thing, he could be saved. My thoughts were cut short as another growl sounded out and this time it was clear that it was closer now.

"Riven I think we need to leave right now." I held onto his arm so tight I thought I would break it off but then something dashed passed me.

Suddenly this searing pain shot throughout my stomach and I didn't know why until I followed when Riven's wide eyes were directed. I had been cut. A burned one had cut just as it had to Silva. Fuck.

"Bloody hell okay Sky, I need you to help get Ayla back to the castle with Ayla." I could hear the panic raising in Stella's voice but I couldn't see her, only Riven's chest heaving up and down in fear as he was now holding me to get me back.

"Yeah we will follow close behind just to make sure they don't follow. Hurry!" Musa's shout was the last thing I heard before I lost consciousness as the pain took over me.

{Riven's POV}

-20 minutes later-

We got back to the castle as quick as we could and I could feel the panic and regret start to well up in me.

She was out but now people were crowding round and shouting I could see her eyes start to flutter open and a groan of pain escaped her mouth as her head hung loosely. Fucking shit if I just listened to everyone. She only went because of me and now here she was on the verge of death and it's my fault.

"Everyone back off!" instantly they all backed away as I placed her on a table laying down. I saw Sky rushing over to us followed by Ms Dowling and Professor Harvey.

He instantly started pouring things onto the wound and her hand was in mine squeezing it in pain every now and again, also bringing me pain.

"How on Earth did this happen?" Ms Dowling was looking at me dead in the eyes with the most serious expression. I saw Stella, Musa, Sam and Beatrix walk into the hall hurrying over. Flora, Dane and Aisha appeared across the room, faces filled with pure dread.

I looked at Ms Dowling not sure of what to say, "Ayla? Is she awake?!" Beatrix was now beside me looking terrified and I had never seen her walls crumble in this way. But I guess they are family.

"She is awake and she will be fine for now with this elixir." Professor Harvey looked up at us and placed it down on the table.

Everyone had been told to disperse to their rooms or common areas and now there was only our group of friends and teachers nearer the table. "For God's sake Riven, I told you it was a horrible idea and look now, Ayla almost died."

Flora was full of rage and I knew she was right, it was my fault and I shouldn't have been so reckless. "Again I will ask you. What happened?" Ms Dowling was worried I could tell but it was purely masked with her anger.

"I thought it would be fun to head out to the old shack outside the barrier and-"

"You left the barrier? Our biggest rule to prevent situations like this. Ayla is not only a student but a vital part of our realms you mustn't forget!" Dowling's face was now covered in anger and her words were layered thickly with rage, "She is all your friends and you all bar 3 still decided it would be 'fun'."

"We didn't mean for this and we got her back as quick as we could-" Stella was panicked now I could tell and Sky had his arm around her.

"No. You are all to go to your dorms, one of you can stay at the infirmary with her until she is completely conscious." I so badly wanted to stay with her but staying away was what was best so I suggested Beatrix stay with her.

I watched as the teachers and Beatrix helped get Ayla to the infirmary and as everyone dispersed back to their suites. I followed Sky back to our room in silence and that's how we spent the rest of the day.

Ayla meant so much to me, yet I never stopped to think about the dangers for her and for us all. It was stupid and I can't forgive myself but we will kill that burned one I swear it. This was the complete wrong move but I can make up for it, but I need to stay away from her.

Oh God I like this one and I hope you guys did too.


I am actually going to start updating again, I know, shocking.

please vote if you enjoyed this and let me know what you liked or just comment in general :)

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