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A week has passed

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A week has passed. Lori Swan watched her sister getting upset over Edward. She looked to see Maxine getting in Edward's car. "Bella, there is someone out there for you. Move on and let Edward be happy with the person he wants to be with."

"I saw him first."

"Correction." Lori said as Mary walked over. "Maxine met him outside at lunch."

Bella pushed Lori off the porch. "Hey!" Mary said as she helped Lori up. "She was just telling you there is plenty of men out there that would want you." Lori glared at her sister. "Just like a good sister would do."

Bella didn't say a word as she walked back in to get her things. Lori and Mary shared a look and knew. This was not going to be easy.
Emmett and Jasper waited for their mate. Maxine smiled as she saw Lori and Mary, but the looks on both of their faces made the smile drop. "Uh oh." She said as the others looked.

Edward read their minds and growled as Bella harmed his mate's best friend. Emmett and Jasper saw Lori and went to her. "What happened?" Maxine asked.

"Lori was trying to keep her cool and be a good sister by telling her that there is someone out there waiting for her." Mary said. "Well, that conversation ended with Bella pushing Lori as I was walking over to ride with Lori."

Emmett growled and so did Jasper as they saw the one human they didn't want to see. Bella Swan. "Let's just get this day over with." Lori tells them. "I want to be far from her stares as much as possible."

"Come on, darlin'."

Percy and Dominic looked at their mates before following them. "We really need to do something about Bella."

"We can't." Mary said. "No matter what, Lori loves her sister and will try to get Bella to see that there is someone for her."

"Unless Bella screws up."

"That would probably make Lori see." Mary tells Rosalie.

"We will get her to see before Bella does anything to piss her off." Dominic said. "Question is how."
Lori smiled as she walked with Emmett and Jasper as they were leaving. "What do you have planned?" Emmett asked her.

Lori started to think about what she had planned. She was thinking of going to La Push to introduce Mary and Maxine to Jacob. "Well..."

"Lori, I need to talk to you." Bella said.

Lori looked at her mates before walking towards Bella. Emmett and Jasper did not like what was going on. "She better not hurt her."

"I'll kill her." Jasper said as he was trying to keep the major at bay.

"Let's listen."

Emmett and Jasper started to listen till everything went into slow motion. Lori turned and saw Tyler's van and the next she was pushed away. Emmett and Jasper saw their mate in the middle of the road making them act fast.

"No!" Bella screamed as Jasper and Emmett saved Lori. "That should have been me!"

Lori looked at Bella hurt that her own sister want her dead. "Let's get her to Carlisle." Emmett said.

Jasper didn't say a word as they walked away. Bella looked at the spot the van hit her truck after Emmett and Jasper saved Lori. She was desperate to know more about the Cullens.

 She was desperate to know more about the Cullens

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