Twenty two

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It took two days for Lori to wake up. Jasper and Emmett held the babies as they watched their mate wake up. Looking around the room, Lori couldn't believe everything she was seeing till she heard a baby cooing. Looking to her left, she saw the two men that stolen her heart with the babies she gave birth too. "Hello, darlin'."

"Hey, baby."

"Em? Jasper?" She says getting off the bed and running to them.

The babies cooed as their mother hugged them and their fathers. Jasper kissed her then Emmett kissed her. "Darlin', we went on ahead and named them. The little boy is Daniel and this little princess is Danielle."

"Daniel and Danielle. Perfect." She tells them. "How's daddy?'

"You need to feed and you're not worried about it."

"I'm not that thirsty." She tells them. "I know I should be, but I'm not and I'm okay with that."

Emmett and Jasper wonder what gift does their mate have along with their children. "We'll let Percy, Alice, Dominic and Rose baby sit. There's somethings we need to discuss. Just us three."

Lori nodded as she wondered what was going on and why did she feel like this was something that was discussed while she was out.
Arriving in a spot, Lori looked at her mates as she could tell they were fighting with theirselves. "What's going on? You two are worrying me." She tells them as she walked over to them. "Jasper, Emmett, please talk to me."

The sound of her voice had Jasper pulling her into a hug. "Darlin', whatever you think it this is about has nothing to do with you or the twins. It's something the two of us have thought really hard about."

"We have thought about leaving. Even Edward and Maxine have spoke about it with us. They are trying for a baby since they know it's possible." Emmett tells her. "We just want a fresh start. Us and our children."

Lori smiled. "As long as I get to see my dad and mom then we can. Why the sudden decision?"

Sharing a look, Lori knew. Victoria is back AND her sister is driving everyone mad about turning. "Want to talk some more about leaving?"

"I would like that very much."

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