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Mary and Maxine smiled as they saw Emmett's Jeep pull in. The two sisters were excited for this moment. Their friend was home. When the Jeep parked, Edward pulled in behind them. "Lover boy is here."

"Hush." Maxine says as she went to Edward.

Jasper got out first and helped Lori. When she got out, Jasper kissed her head. "Are you okay?"

"Jasper, I'm pregnant not fragile." She tells him.

"What?" Mary screamed out. "How far?"

"Ten weeks." Emmett says as he shut the door. "One twin is mine and the other is Jasper's."

Mary laughed as she knew how her best friend and her mates can be. "No sleep?"

"Shut up, Mary." Lori says. "Anything on..."

"They are having issues. Bella wants to be turned."

Lori didn't say a word as she looked at her mates. "Can we just go to your house?"

"We have to surprise Charlie, darlin'."

Lori smiled at the mention of her father. She missed him while she was gone. She hoped her sister bonded with him, but she doesn't think that happened. Mary watched the three leave causing her to sigh. Wondering if she'll find love.
Later that day at school, Percy walked with Jasper and Lori as they talked. "Mary is a bit closed off. She wonders if she'll find love like you two have." Percy says. "I think she may be an imprint."


"There is a lot more that you have to learn, darlin'." Jasper says. "How did your father take the news?"

Lori smiled as she looked at her friend and boyfriend. "Well, he is excited and mom is over the moon." She tells him. "Mom can't wait to meet you and Emmett. She never thought nothing of a poly relationship before, but she's just happy that her daughter is loved by two men."

Percy gagged causing Lori to laugh at him. Jasper shook his head till they saw Alice handing a bag over to Bella as Lisa stood behind her. They didn't say a word and neither did Maxine, Edward and Mary. They stood side by side watching the scene. Lori looked at Jasper who kissed her. "We have a plan and it's just going to be us three."


"Yep. Emmett made himself clear this morning that the two of us are taking our beautiful mate out for her birthday with her friends."

"Well, we got talked into going."

"No. Edward told Alice that we were going to see a movie then dinner with Lori, Jasper and Emmett." Maxine says. "It looks like it's just you."

Mary sighed as she was not going to enjoy this party.
Later that day, Mary showed up late as she helped her best friend and sister out. She saw all the Cullens, but three and wondered what she missed. "What happened?" She asked as she shut her door.

"Bella cut her finger and Percy.."

"Better not be blamed for something that you all craved for. Yes, he struggles just like Jasper, but the two boys are getting stronger. Did he kill her?" They shook her head no. "Did he even taste her blood?" Once again, no. "Then please don't blame him for something he didn't even do. If Lisa blames him, I will kill her myself."

"She won't blame him. We won't let her." Carlisle says. "Mary, I think you should go home. We have an important meeting."

"Okay." Mary says as she got in her car and poked her head at them. "I love you, guys."

"We love you." Esme says as they watched Mary get in her car and leave. "Carlisle, we can't leave them behind."

"Mary has too." Rosalie says. "She's not a mate to any of us, but someone out there, she is."

"Baby, I know this hurts.."

"Dominic, we have to do what's best for Mary. Lori will be along with us or she'll be here with Jasper and Emmett. Edward won't even leave Maxine, but those three have to stay hidden because of Bella."

"Then we should talk about this. As a family."
Jacob arrived at the Swan's, but stopped seeing Mary in a beautiful black dress causing him to go talk to her instead. "Mary?"

She looked up. "Hi." She says. "What brings you by?"

"I was coming to see Charlie about something, but I saw you over here in your dress." He says. "Did something happen?"

"A bad birthday turned bad." She tells him. "I'm scared that my friends are going to leave."

Jacob sat down beside her as Edward and Maxine pulled in to see Jacob. "You have me, Mary." He says. "They probably won't be gone that long knowing that you are here. They have to have their best friend."

Mary smiled as Maxine looked at Edward. "We are going to talk about it, but I'm not leaving and neither will Emmett and Jasper." He tells her. "We can't leave you two behind and I don't think we want to leave the loud mouth behind either."

Maxine shoved him as he laughed. "I love you."

"I love you." He says kissing her. "I will see you tonight."


Mary looked to see her sister and walked over to her. "So?"

"The meeting is tonight and Lori will be staying the night with us as we still have a party to throw for her." Maxine looked at Jacob. "Want to join us three and the three Cullens."

Jacob seemed unsure. "Jake, they won't bite." Mary tells him. "Please. For me."

Jacob sighed. "Fine. Only for you."


Maxine watched the two walk in as Lori walked over with a duffle bag. "Do you see...."

"Definitely." Lori says. "Let's wait on our men."

"Let's wait."

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