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Lori Swan knew that today has changed

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Lori Swan knew that today has changed. Just by the way she walked to Emmett just to see Bella watching her. She knew just because she finally has someone, doesn't mean that she was going to be nice. Lori has everything Bella wanted. Two mates. Emmett smiled as she walked over to him and kissed him. "Mmm." He replies. "What is that for?"

"I missed you and now where's my other man." She says as Jasper brought her face up so he too can kiss her. "Never mind."

Maxine and Mary walked over to her and sighed. "This may end horribly." Mary says as Maxine and Edward shared a kiss. "Can we all just ditch?"

"That would be lovely." Lori says. "Emmett and Jasper can come to my house so we can hang out."

"I'll be at mine with Edward."

"I'll be hanging with Alice and Rosalie. Sorry Percy, Dominic, but their mine for today."

Lori shook her head as they all decided to go through with their plans. One by one, they all drove off.
Emmett and Jasper wondered why they were with Lori all by herself. She walked back in with some popcorn for herself. "So, will a movie work?" She asked.

"Sure." Emmett replies as he sat on one side as Jasper on the other.

They sat in silence as they watched the movie. Jasper leaned over and kissed her neck causing Lori to close her eyes. Emmett looked to see Jasper teasing their mate causing him to turn her to face him so he can kiss her. The movie was long forgotten as they were focusing on Lori Swan. Lori moaned as Jasper found a sweet spot. "Okay." She said as they stopped. "What is happening for one?"

"Our mate bond is wanting us to complete the bond now."

"Okay. Then why do I feel like this is about to happen?"

Neither of them said a word. Lori kissed Jasper as Emmett took Jasper's spot by kissing her neck. It was just them and this intense moment. "Upstairs." Was all Jasper could say.


Emmett rushed over and locked the front door as Jasper carried Lori upstairs. Lori blushed as this was actually happening. Something she was not expecting to happen. Emmett walked in causing them to look at him. "Am I missing out?"

"No." Lori responded as he walked over to her.

The three of them started moaning at their touches, the kisses and finally Lori's virginity. She gasped in pain from Jasper, but Emmett reassured her that she was safe. Which made it easy for her to calm down. Lori felt like she was on cloud nine and wondered when it was Emmett's turn.
Hours later, Lori was between her mates sound asleep. Jasper and Emmett looked at their mate and smiled. "Now that was awesome." Emmett said making Jasper shake his head. "What? We both enjoyed our moment with her."

"Yeah, but I think the two of us tired her out." Jasper says. "Maybe next time, we should see if she would like to go one at a time instead of the two of us."

"Sure, but knowing Lori, she would want us both."

They looked at their sleeping mate and couldn't wait to take her back to their place to do this all over again.

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