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Prologue to New Moon

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Prologue to New Moon

Mary gotten closer to Jacob over the summer. Lori called telling her and Maxine about Paris and all the things the three of them did at night. Sight seeing, shopping, and the boys got her a birthday present, but she is not allowed to have it till her birthday. Maxine and Edward have been enjoying their time together, but Lisa and Bella, well their still together, But Lisa is dodging Bella's attempt to be turned which won't happen till Lisa is sure she won't suck her dry.

"Mary, guess who is coming home!" Maxine said as she ran into the room.



"Ahhh!" Maxine screamed as she hugged her sister. "Oh my god. We have to call Alice and throw a party for them."

"Are you inviting Jacob?"

"No. He has been working on his dad's car so he won't be able to hang out till he has it finished."


Mary shook her head as they ran out of their house to the car and drove off. They had a party to plan.

Sorry it's short. Couldn't think of what to add since this part has been written forever. Enjoy and comment what you would like to see. This part is for Mary. Some chapters will have Lori and Maxine, but this part I think we should know Mary some.

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