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Lori wasn't joking when she told them that Bella went zombie mode. The three friends would see her sitting there at the table that Lisa and her sat at. Mary shook her head as Lori was homeschooled and living with Jasper and Emmett as Charlie didn't want her stressing out over her sister, Maxine went homeschool herself because she was not going to deal with Bella. That just left Mary. "Mary, why did the others leave and not Edward, Jasper, and Emmett?"

"I don't know, but those three were pretty upset." She tells Jessica. "And Bella, that's just creepy."

"Agree." Erica says. "So, anyone we should know about?"

Jessica looked at the blonde who shook her head. "Girl, you have all the boys here wanting you and yet, you won't give them a chance."

"That's because the boys here are after one thing and they won't break my heart because they got what they wanted." She tells them. "I might like someone, but he doesn't go here."

"Really?" Jessica says. "How about we have a girls day then?"

"If it helps you move on from Mike than let's do it."
Later that day, Mary was hanging out with the girls. "So, do you think you get to hang out with that Jacob kid again?"

"I've been planning on seeing this movie that is about to come out." She tells them. "I was thinking of inviting him to join me."

Erica and Jessica looked at each other and back at Mary as she was looking at something. They knew the girl had a crush on Jacob, but she wasn't going to admit it just yet. They saw her walking a bit further causing them to catch up to her.


"Do you think Mary will fall in love with Jake?"

"I think so." She says as they heard the boys. "Give Mary time, Maxine. She will eventually realize its him. Just like he already has, but hasn't admitted it."

"Wonder how Bella is."

"Who cares?" Edward says. "She's desperate anyways."

"Dad is sending her back to mom's. He's tired of seeing her act like this, but dad is going to give her some time, if not he makes the call. She needs to move on."

"Agree." Jasper says kissing her head. "You don't need to worry."

"I'm not." She says. "I'm hungry."

Maxine watched Emmett kiss Lori before going to fix her some food. Edward kissed her head causing her to smile. She wondered if her sister will come by soon.

Sorry it wasn't long. Hoping next time it's long.

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