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Baseball was happening, but Lori was too sick to go causing Maxine and Mary to stay with her

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Baseball was happening, but Lori was too sick to go causing Maxine and Mary to stay with her. Emmett and Jasper were uncertain, but Lori knew that they were looking forward to this day. So, she made them go. "How do you feel?" Mary asked as she touched her forehead and sighed. "You have a fever."

"I feel like I'm dying." She said. "I wish Jasper and Emmett were here."

"We know."

Maxine sighed as she walked out of the room and called Edward. "Hey, Lori isn't looking too good. We're going to take her to the hospital and wait for Charlie." She said. "Can you tell Emmett and Jasper?"

Mary called 911. "We need an ambulance. Lori Swan." She said. "I don't know, she just stopped breathing. Maxine! I need help!"

Maxine ran back to the room and gasped. "Edward, somethings wrong with Lori."
Jasper and Emmett arrived at the hospital after James set off on a hunt for Bella. Edward arrived himself and hugged Maxine as she cried. "What happened?"

"She just stopped breathing." Mary said. "I checked her temperature and she was running a fever so I ran to get a cold rag. By the time I walked back in, I noticed she wasn't breathing."

"Are you here for Lori Swan?" The doctor asked causing Jasper and Emmett to stand.


"Lori Swan has pneumonia. I'm going to keep her here for observation, but she will be able to go home once she's breathing better."

"Can we stay with her?" Emmett asked.

The doctor nodded as Jasper and Emmett followed the doctor. Maxine sighed in relief and hugged Edward as he kissed her head. Mary smiled as she stood up to call Charlie about Lori's condition which he said he was on his way to see her.
That night, Lori woke up to see Emmett and Jasper. "Jasper? Emmett?" She said as they looked up at her. "What happened?"

"You have pneumonia." Jasper said. "For a second there, we all thought we would have lost you."

Lori nodded as Emmett kissed her head. "Get some rest, Lori. We will tell you what happened at the game later." He tells her. "We just want you to get better."
Mary arrived home by herself after Maxine went on a date with Edward. She stopped as she saw a boy with long hair and smiled. "Jacob?" She said gaining his attention.

"Hey. How's Lori?"

"She's fine." She said.


Mary hugged Jacob crying as she thought she lost her friend. "I thought we almost lost her. Seeing her laying unresponsive, Emmett and Jasper running in with worried looks and Edward..."

'Breathe, Mary." Jacob tells her. "She's okay. Her boyfriends are there with her. Lori Swan is a fighter and we both know it." Mary looked up at him and smiled. "Let's get you inside before you get sick from this cold air."

Mary nodded as she walked inside with Jacob. Edward was keeping Maxine from worrying and Emmett and Jasper, they never left Lori's side as she slept. The three may have had a bad day, but by the end of the day, they had someone there to be with them in the time of need.

 The three may have had a bad day, but by the end of the day, they had someone there to be with them in the time of need

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