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The next day, Lori woke up with a smile as she had a wonderful night getting to know Emmett and Jasper

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The next day, Lori woke up with a smile as she had a wonderful night getting to know Emmett and Jasper. Day three and I'm loving my new life. I met two handsome men and friends who like me for me. She thought as she walked over to her closet. Only problem is Bella staring at Edward, Emmett and Jasper. I wonder why she is like that. "Lori!" She heard Mary call out.

Walking over to her window she opened it and looked at Mary. "What?"

"Hurry up!" Mary tells her making Lori laugh.

"Give me a few minutes and I'll meet you outside, crazy." Lori said shutting her window before walking back to her closet to grab an outfit.
Emmett and Jasper stood with Edward and the rest as they discussed when Lori, Maxine, and Mary learns the truth. "I say by the end of this week." Alice suggested.

"Too soon." Rosalie said as she looked at them. "Just tell them when you feel the time is right and when they have your trust and theirs."

Jasper nodded as he didn't want Lori being scared of them. "I don't think Mary would be scared." Emmett pointed out. "She's crazy."

They laughed as Lori jumped on Jasper's back and kissed him. "Good morning my two favorite people." She said as she hopped of Jasper's back and kissed Emmett's cheek. "Are we ready for the day?"

"Your here so yeah." Emmett replies.

Lori and Mary saw Maxine and Edward in a deep conversation making them smile. "Those two will be together by the end of this week." Mary replies. "Just like you three."

Lori gave her a look before the two ran off with Maxine chasing them. Edward shook his head as he followed his mate with Emmett and Jasper following. "Bella is watching." Percy pointed out.

"That girl has some serious staring problems." Dominic said. "Let go meet up with the others."

Rosalie smiled as she snuggled closer to Dominic and Percy keeping Alice close to him as they walked in.
"Mary!" Maxine said blushing as Lori walked over after Mary made a run for it.

"Did I miss something?" Lori asked as Mary shook her head. "Max, your blushing." Lori pointed out making Maxine grab her and hide her.

"Don't let Edward see me like this." She said.

"Okay." Lori replies and smiled. "Your in love with Edward."


Lori laughed as she walked with Maxine behind her. Mary walked over and started to tease the friends when they saw Bella watching. "What's her problem?"

"Jealous." Lori replies. "It's always been like this."

Mary and Maxine nodded as they kept walking to meet up with the Cullens. "Are we up for a movie marathon this weekend?" Mary asked.

"Sure." Lori said. "I just need to pack some clothes and I'll come over."

Maxine couldn't wait. The three friends sat at the Cullens table in a deep conversation with one another. Mary smirked when she saw Edward walk up to Maxine and Emmett and Jasper behind Lori. "I don't like that smirk." Maxine replies.

"Does that mean she is up to something?"

"I don't know. You tell me." Lori jumped at the voice and looked at Emmett and Jasper. "A little jumpy, darlin."

"That's not fair." She said as Maxine smacked playfully at Edward. The others came and sat down.

"What are you three doing this weekend?" Alice asked.

"Movie marathon." Mary replies. "You all are invited."

They looked at one another and nodded. They all started talking what they all should do together. Lori smiled as she looked at Emmett and Jasper. She was going to have fun with her new friends and crushes.

 She was going to have fun with her new friends and crushes

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