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The next day, Lori smiled as she was getting ready

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The next day, Lori smiled as she was getting ready. She was hoping to see Emmett and Jasper again. Outside, Jasper and Emmett pulled up as they waited for Lori. Lori finished getting dressed and grabbed her jacket as she walked out of her room. She walked by Bella's room trying to understand why Emmett and Jasper were outside. She saw Lori running to their car and getting in before driving off.

"You guys didn't have to give me a ride." She tells them as they headed towards school.

"We have agreed to start picking you up for now own so we can get to know you before that date."

Lori smiled as she leaned forward and kissed both of their cheeks. Emmett looked at Jasper as the two knew that they were going to have to fight the sexual tension they were having for Lori. Lori on the other hand was struggling with herself as she actually wanted to kiss them, but she also knew they just met.
Maxine was talking to Edward as Mary was discussing somethings with Alice for art. Percy looked up and elbowed Dominic making the dark haired male glare because he was interrupted from kissing his mate. "What?"


They looked to see Jasper and Emmett pull up with Lori sitting in Jasper's lap. Emmett pulled into his parking spot and put the Jeep and park. Mary was smirking as Emmett hopped out first than helped Lori as Jasper got out. "This is going to be fun."

"Why do you say that?" Dominic asked.

"Cause my friend is falling in love with them." Mary said. "Plus I get to pick on them."

Lori smiled as Emmett hugged her before carrying on with Dominic. Lori looked and sighed as she saw her sister watching them. Jasper looked and wrapped his arms around Lori to protect her. Lori smiled at him as Rosalie started speaking.

Bella watched as Lori wrapped her arms around Emmett and Jasper. She wondered why two men when Lori could share one with her making Bella hack a plan.
Lori was at her locker when Bella shut it before Lori could get her things out for class. She looked at Bella wondering what she wanted. "What?"

"I was wondering if I can have Emmett or Jasper as you can keep the other one." Bella said.

Lori looked at her heartbroken. Her own sister wants one of the guys she is crushing on. "No." She said as she looked at Bella. "Emmett nor Jasper are objects and same goes for Edward. You have no rights to ask me something when you know the answer. So no."

Bella glared as she looked at her sister. "They won't want you or Maxine much longer. You two are just toys to them."

Lori stared in shock as Bella walked away. Not far from her was Emmett and Jasper who heard everything. Lori knew what Bella said was a lie, but she didn't want to be used like a toy again. She wanted a real relationship this time. Jasper and Emmett watched as she walked up to them and took a deep breath in. "Are you really going to use me as a toy because I'm tired of being used."

"No." Emmett said as he cupped her cheek. "We would never do that to you."

"Your sister is using that against you since she knew that this happened before." Jasper tells her. "We will prove to you tonight that we aren't using you."

Lori nodded and hugged them both. Her heart shattered do to how her sister was acting and all she wanted was them to get along for once instead of Bella using things against her. She looked at the two and smiled. "Lets ditch."
The three walked in the theatre's laughing. Lori was happy to be herself for once and didn't have lovers that forced her to be someone she wasn't. They took a seat in the main back as the movie started. Lori looked beside her and smiled as she had the two perfect guys with her.

Jasper and Emmett smiled as they each held hands with their mate. Lori smiled as she was enjoying the movie. No one trying to come between her and the two men who are proving to her that they won't ever use her as a toy. She meant way too much to them than Bella thought. Lori Swan is their mate and they will show her the love that she deserves in this world.

 Lori Swan is their mate and they will show her the love that she deserves in this world

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