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When Bella decided on the movie, she asked Mary to join her, Mike and Jacob. She knew right there that Bella also had feelings for Jacob, but Mary didn't care. She knew that Bella still loves the vampire girl. "I don't know if you five see it, but I think someone is going to heart broken when she finds that Bella has feelings for Jacob."

"But Jacob has been hanging out with you more than anything. He doesn't even like Bella." Maxine says as Lori sat beside her with her hand on her bump.

"You're not ignoring us, are you?" Mary asked the pregnant girl.

"No." She says. "Just listening to the twins talk."

"You can hear them?"

"Yeah. Don't know how, but I hear them." She tells them. "All I can say is go and watch her."

Mary nodded as she grabbed her jacket and left. Lori and Maxine shared a look as their mates walked in. "What?"

"Bella is going to get pissed."


"Jacob only agreed to go so he could be with Mary. He doesn't care for Bella. She's just a friend to him."
That night, Mary walked with Jacob as she watched Bella. She knew what the girl was up too. Jacob looked at the blonde. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." She says. "Just unsure about all this."

Bella looked and glared as Jacob put his arm around Mary. She was going to embarrass Mary. They saw they were at the movies and walked in. None of them saw Sam watching them.
Inside the movie, Jacob sat beside Mary as Bella was drinking her drink. She saw them holding hands making her hold Mike's hand, but nothing. Jacob wasn't fazed by this. "Mary, why don't you come by tomorrow and I'll teach you how to build a bike from scratch."


Bella stood up and dumped her drink all over Mary who gasped. Standing up, Mary looked at her hurt. "Why are you jealous?"

"Because Jacob is mine."

"I'm no ones!" He says grabbing his stomach causing Mary to look at him.


"Mary, I have to go, but...ugh." He said as he ran out causing her to go after him as Bella followed.
Outside, Mary saw a guy she believes is Sam grab Jacob. "Is he going to be okay?"

"He will call you."

The blonde watched Jacob leave causing her to do the same.
Sitting outside, Mary was enjoy the cool breeze. Her sister and Edward wasn't home and neither was Lori, Jasper and Emmett were around. She gasped when she looked up to see a big massive wolf.

Something had her walking to this wolf as if she knew him. The wolf walked closer to her, but froze in his spot as the beauty blonde touched his fur. She didn't know what this wolf was doing, but once it regained itself, the wolf left.
"Jacob imprinted on Mary."

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