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When Lori felt better, Maxine, Mary, Rosalie and Alice took her shopping for prom, but Emmett and Jasper weren't taking her to prom

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When Lori felt better, Maxine, Mary, Rosalie and Alice took her shopping for prom, but Emmett and Jasper weren't taking her to prom. They wanted to take her out on the town or maybe leave Forks for a bit. It was a promise they made before the game. "Where are you two taking Lori?"

"To the one place Lori has always dreamt of." Jasper tells him.


Emmett chuckled. "She said she wanted to see the beautiful city at night and to spend some alone time with her mates in the city of love." He looked at Percy. "Alice would have you doing the same thing. So will Rosalie with Dominic."

Percy rolled his eyes. "At least you three will have fun."

Edward walked downstairs talking to Maxine. "I think it's not just you two wanting to get out of town with your mate." Dominic said. "Rose! Let's ditch and go on vacation...."

Jasper and Emmett laughed as they walked out to meet up with Lori. Percy looked at Alice who skipped over to him. "I say we do the same thing, Percy."

Lori hugged her dad as Lisa glared at Lori till she saw Bella. Hearing a horn, Lori walked out just to be met with Jasper. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you." She said. "So what are we doing that involved me to wear a dress since we are not going to prom."

Emmett smirked as she got in the back. "First we're going to take you to a restaurant then we are going to the place you always dreamed about."

"Paris?" Lori said as she looked at Jasper. "You guys. I love you for this."

Jasper smiled as he kissed her. Lori pulled away and leaned up to the front to kiss Emmett. "Darlin', I think we need to go."

"Let's go." She said smiling as she was getting to go to a place she always wanted to visit and this time, she was with the two people she loves. Jasper Hale and Emmett Cullen.

 Jasper Hale and Emmett Cullen

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