Chapter Twenty Four :|: Keep My Shaking Hands

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(Yo yo everyone hate me because they thought I updated, but I didn't haha. So ya, I'm not even entirely sure what this fanfiction is anymore, but I'm just gonna roll with the flow.

Haha so i actually went back and was rereading my old chapters, and just admiring how fewer mistakes i make now and how the writing sounds a bit more fluent, and then i realized that in like chapter six, i said my instagram user, BUT I SPELLED IT WRONG. *stabs self in brain* *makes the "wtf" meme as dies* Really self, really? You are literally on chapter twenty four now, and you really havent noticed until now?? I spell OTP WRONG... I USE THAT WORD EVERYDAY, how i spell that shit wrong??? Anyways, now that I'm trying to read most all comments, I figured that out as well. Sorry for people who actually cared to find me, but couldn't, bcs im dumb af. *face palms* my instagram is ACTUALLY @otp_tastic , cool beans. Enjoy the chapter lol)

Chapter Twenty Four :|: Keep My Shaking Hands

Levi's POV

He could hear the voices fairly clear, as if they were just outside. 'Outside of where?' He thought. 'Where am I?'

Levi slowly gained his consciousness again. But, the more he came to, the more everything began feeling tight and hurt. First his hearing, the ringing in his ears, and someone talking inaudibly. Then, his taste; he could taste the metallic essence of blood. Lovely. Next, the pains began to grow truly unbearable, and Levi could feel his pulse practically everywhere. Lastly, slowly but surely, his sight.

Opening his eyes, he reached a hand up to rub the blood and bits of car parts out of them. Vision focusing, Levi looked about the scene. Still strapped into his seatbelt, he could feel to pull of gravity, and by the looks of it, could make the observation the car was on its side.

The first thing he noticed was Eren. Slumped against the side of the car, seatbelt straining to keep him upright, he looked terrible. A heavy piece of metal from where the window frame had once been jabbed into him. Levi couldn't tell if the kid was breathing or not.

'Fuck, this is bad, this is really bad.' Straining an arm he was sure was broken, he untangled himself from the seatbelt. Gripping the steering wheel to support himself, Levi kicked at the door. First time, second time, it hardly budged. Using both feet this time, he slammed against the door, and it burst open. With his good arm, he struggled to hoist himself out.

When he hit the ground, Levi looked about the car, frantic. He had a pretty good idea as of who rammed into them. The only reason the man wasn't dead right now was that he slammed the breaks when he had. Instead of the full impact unleashed where Levi would have been sitting, it chipped the front. The tilted car proved this to him as well. Still, with the force they were hit, the wheels couldn't stand it.

Wiping at a gash on his head, he stayed ducked behind the car. Two voices could be heard from the other side, a few meters away. Listening closely, Levi could make out what they said now.

"I-I can't believe you! You actually-!" A feminine voice said unsteadily , but was cut off mid-sentence.

"Shut your rambling mouth! I had to! He wasn't going to just roll his window down and talk leisurely over this."

"But, what do we do if he's-"

"Then, there's no other harm done. We came to get Levi to talk, or we came to haul his dead ass back. That was the deal."

It was silent for a long while. Levi contemplated showing himself and trying to talk it out for real, but one of the two spoke up again.

"H-hey, Mike, something in there's moving!"

A car door closed, followed by the sound of footsteps. Fearing he'd been seen, Levi stayed where he was. He still had the gun, tucked in his pocket, meaning he still had a chance to get out of this.

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