Chapter Two :|: Stop and Stare |Part two|

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                                 Chapter Two :|: Stop and Stare |part two|

Eren's POV

       "Eren! Hurry, hurry!" Armin called as Eren scurried up the large stone steps, the bell sounding in the background. The blond friend stepped aside as Eren stumbled through the front doors, running smack into something not even five second being within the highschools walls. He stepped back with a stumble, bumping into Armin.

         "Tch, watch it, brat," An unfamilar voice said harshly. Eren looked up, or, technically down, to see some of the most piercing grey eyes he'd ever met.

         "I-uh, I'm sorry," he stepped aside, the man giving him a small cold glance as he continued walking down the hall. 'Jerk' Eren thought as he rubbed his wounded shoulder.

         "Eren, we're both going to be in trouble if you just keep standing around!" Armin said, panic spreading in his voice.

          Eren sighed and nodded, rushing down the hall with his tramatic friend.

          He couldn't help but look back though. The man was at the very least four inches shorter than he was. His hair was dark with an undercut and his skin was entirely pale. But, not to mention, one of the most striking features was his eye. Grey and cold, Eren could still see them clearly. He shook his head, clearing his thoughts.

           Why did he care about that douche? He didn't. No. Not in the slightest.

           The fragile blond leading the way quickly opened the door to their first period, History, with a relieved sigh. The bell rang just as they made it to their seats across the room. Armin gave Eren a we-made-it! grin as he shuffled to get out his supplies.

           Eren and Armin had been friends since they were pretty young. Eren had saved him from some of the stupid bullies that roamed the streets, offering a friendship that still held out today. While Armin often ratted him out for his bad grades and fights he got into, he'd never do anything to hurt his friend.

          Their teacher stood at the front of the class, a small old grey-haired woman with a skinny frame that didn't even look healthy and tight skin by the name of Ms. Ritch. Her wiry hair was pulled back into a tight bun and her boney hands slapped some papers across her desk to get the entire classes attention. She licked her dry lips before she spoke.

         "Alright class, pop quiz. You have twenty minutes to complete the assignment, then, we begin on todays real work.


           The lunch room was a crowded, shouting mess. Students chatted amongst one another loudly, waiting in line to get their food or running up and down the halls. Eren especially disliked lunch because all of the nonsense around him gave him a splitting headache. Sasha, another friend of Eren's in his science class, patted his shoulder like a parent. "Ohh, it's ok Ereeenn, there's only ten minutes left and then we can head to fifth period!" She cooed. Eren sighed and brushed her hand away.

              "Oh goodie, math. Because I am so looking forward to some more algebra."

               Sasha punched him playfully in the shoulder. "The years almost done with! Lighten up sourpuss-" She paused, as if a thought occurred to her. "OH, and did you hear about the party being thrown on Wednesday?! It's a huge get together at that everyone's going to! It'll be fuuunnnnn- hey, stop giving me that look, Eren. Come on, I'll pay for you to get in and everythi- Eren don't leave!"

                  Eren sighed and sat back down, turning to his overly excited friend. "I'm not going to that party, Sash. Remember the last party they thr-"

                   "That was last year! Eren, Eren common, pweeeaaasssee?" She begged, shaking his shoulders. Armin laughed from his other side, patting his back.

                  "Ya Eren, everyone's going. Even Mikasa."

                    Eren shoved Sasha off and sighed. "OK, OK, I'LL GO," he rubbed at his temples. "Don't come crawling to me though when you're so drunk you can't even remember your name."


                      "Take your seats, brats. I'm only going to say this once. My name is Mr. Rivaille. I'm not here to answer stupid questions or be your babysitter. Stay in your seats between bells and never interrupt me while I'm speaking. Don't argue back and hold off on conversations with your little friends until after class. I'd like to begin with attendance, and then we'll be moving on to chapter sixteen in your textbooks."

                      Eren starred at this surprise teacher, unable to believe it. That jerk works here? But how... Where is Mr. Wagner?

                     A kid behind him raised her hand, asking the obvious question. "Where's our usual math teacher?"

                      Eren hated that when Mr. Rivaille answered this, his cold gaze caught Eren's. "Your former teacher was in a bit of a car accident. Straight off a bridge actually... Mr. Wagner is dead." 

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