Chapter Twenty Two :|: For Diamonds and Gold

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(Honestly, I need to start giving my readers my number or snap chat or something so that you can tell me that HEY UPDATE YOUR GOD DAMN STORY IT HAS BEEN LIKE A MONTH.

And honestly, song of the chapter is Heartbeat by Childish Gambino, bcs damn that's my jam)

Chapter Twenty Two :|: For Diamonds and Gold

"Like brand new! We even buffered the scratches around the tire rim- no extra charge," the auto repair man went on about how great their handy work had been, hoping for a tip.

"Yeah, looks nice. Now, just give me my car." Levi pulled his keys out of his pocket and unlocked the vehicle. He met Eren's gaze. "Get in."

Eren sighed, but nodded. He recalled the events of not more than a few moments ago, in the waiting room. It had only just started to get really heated when Levi had gotten a call saying everything was set and ready to go. He hoped that his flustered feeling wasn't visible to everyone else. Levi noticed on their way out, giving him crap about it.

Levi slammed his door shut, and started to back out of the garage before Eren was hardly even in. The engine purred as he hit the gas and speeded back onto the cracked street. There were few cars around that part of town, kind of ghetto-like. A couple kids walked the pavement, some smoking, some playing ball, some picking up girls. The town wasn't too different from his own, besides the fact that even the real good part of the town was about as good as the rest of the town. There hardly was a good part; it was just many wrongs.

"You know, you're a fucking excellent lip biter." Eren was taken back by Levi's statement.

"I don't know whether I hate you or tolerate you," the teen responded. "Actually... Maybe both."

Levi smirked, a sharp, unamused laugh following. "Understandable. Now, tell me where this horrible Kai lives."

He only curtly nodded as Levi yeilded for a stop sign. "Take a right at this next four-way cross, then continue on until you find the round-about."

The car ride was fairly quiet, mainly the two arguing over who chose the next song. Ten minutes later, they were a block from Aunt Kai's house. Eren really didn't want to stay in that condo for hours as Kai worked. Yet, staying in this car wasn't the brightest idea either. 'No... I hate this man for sure,' Eren thought. 'Do you? Do you really?' He ignored the little voice that said that, but knew it was right. He was growing a fondness for this substitute math teacher, and it was tearing him apart.

As the boy battled internally with himself, he lurched forward, the car's brakes slamming the vehicle to a hault. Levi slammed a fist against the steering wheel. "Shit!"

Eren was about to what-the-hell him, when he looked up from his phone and saw two other cars in front of them, parked in the middle of the four-way. They were both nice, expensive cars. It was odd seeing them in a town a town like this. One was a black, lifted Dodge pickup, the other a grey Jaguar, identical to Levi's. Eren looked over at Levi, watching his eye twitch, his fingers drum on the steering wheel, wide eyed and... Almost frightened. Eren frowned.

"Levi... What's going on, why are we stopped? Who are those cars?" Levi just shook his head, unbuckling his seat belt and flinging the door open, climbing out.

"Stay in the car," he demanded, making quick eye contact. Levi, reached for something behind his seat and stuffed it in his pocket, then slammed the door shut again. He made his way out in front of the other two cars, headlights colliding and making his shadow stretch awkwardly.

Eren's heart pounded. What was going on? He hadn't seen Levi lose his cool before. Must be serious. The teen was ready with his phone to call the police at any given time. Following Levi's request to stay in the car, he rolled down his window a bit, wanting to listen to the situation at hand.

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