Chapter Fifteen :|: Grace to Mistake

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(Thank you all for the positive feedback! I'm making a playlists for songs that go along with the fanfic as well (; expect the best!)

Chapter Fifteen :|: Grace to Mistake 

Eren groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose as a splitting headache was what he had to wake up to. He rolled over and threw off the comforter. It felt oddly softer than his usually did. And... the usual sound of the tv static in the next room wasn't there. He yawned and rubbed at his eyes, opening them and looking around.

Then was when he realized, he wasn't in his room.

The events of the night before flooded his memory in a hazy stream, making Eren cringe. Did he... did he just... He looked down, finding his body bare, bruised even. The breath escaped his lungs and he stood up, stumbling and gripping the bed stand. No... Nononon NO.

Eren looked back at the king sized bed. Levi was no where to be found in the large, clean room. Even his discarded clothes had been folded and set at the foot of the bed. A shiver rushed down his spine and he quickly tugged back on his things. Picking up the shirt that Levi had offered him last night, he hesitantly pulled that on over his head as well.

I have to get out of here, He thought. Get out and... and get far away. He spun on his heels a little too quickly, his head still pounding rhythmically, and nausea was strong. Was he hung over? Oh well, he had bigger issues. The spare bedroom door had been left opened at a crack, peering out into a vastly empty hall. Eren pushed the door open the rest of the way and poked his head out. Looking for any sign that Levi was walking about.

There was a sharp pain in his stomach, bracing against the door frame and taking a deep breath. They would never have done that, that never had happened, Eren would never have done that. There's some kind of reason explaining all of this, he thought. Exhaling roughly, he pushed away from the room and into the hallway.

His steps were a bit staggered, but at least he could think. Rounding the stair banister, he kept his footing as he quietly stalked down the stairs. The front door was past the kitchen, in the living room, that he could remember. The white carpets soon turned to hardwood and the kitchen stretched out before him. His torn sneakers made muffled squeaks on the floor.

Levi had still been no where to be seen... Odd.

Though, the little jinx bug hadn't given up to ruin Eren's day yet. Pushing the swinging kitchen doors open, he made his way out of the kitchen, and met the same grey eyes he'd been meeting for the past few days now.

Eren's breath hitched in the back of his throat, mouth falling open in some kind of excuse he couldn't recall ever trying to create. No words came, however.

"Oh, so you are up," Levi's monotone show-voice, echoed in the quiet, thin walled room. He reached for the remote off the coffee table, as well as setting a cup of tea down, and switching off the tv, though it had been on mute the whole time. "Well, get your shit together, school will be starting in about," he paused to examine his watch, " twenty minutes."

The teen couldn't believe it. He... He expected Eren to go to school?

"Are... are you crazy? Y-you want me to... go to school? Like this?"

The two sat like that for a moment, the air filling with an indecisive silence.

"Yes," Was the simple answer the older man had to offer, before turning back to look through a stack of letters in front of him.

"I-I can't! I can hardly think straight, and I'm hungover as hell, and... and-"

Levi stepped on his sentense, cutting him off, not even meeting Eren's eyes. "And a bit sore from fucking the little brains you had left out last night?"

Eren choked. Gripping a peg on the metal coat rack to his left to keep from passing out. It... It couldn't have... It happened, then?

"N-no! What did... How..." he gripped the expensive material that hung from the racks, throwing them to the ground in a fit of... Well, the closest to that emotion would be anger. "But- I'm not gay! Why the hell would i do that?!"

"You're making a house a mess, brat."

"And you- you're like, fifty! I'd never-"

"I'm not that old, you little shit."

"I'd never do that! You're lying, right. There's no way, not even the center of hell, would I-"

Levi groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Would you shut up. Nothing you can say is gonna change the fact that your little drunk rage last night ended you up wherer you are now." He took another sip of his tea.

"What? I was drunk, but i wasn't that drunk!"

"Please, you came onto me like i was you're annual friday nights. Now, get you're things together, classes will start soon."

"I won't. Even if i was that shit-faced last night, that only equals into the hungover mess I am right now." Eren crossed his arms, glaring at Levi.

Levi sighed and set his tea back down, standing from his place on the couch. He simply stated, "I'm at work hungover all the time, it's not that big of a deal." Reaching across the couch he grabbed a bag of teacher supplies and pulled a small box from his pocket, then turned toward the door.

Eren shook his head, unable to believe this. Teeth grinding, he stomped after the older man. 

Levi retrieved something from the small box, placing it between his lips and then removing a lighter from his pocket. Eren frowned.

"Are you sserious? You know, that kills you. Like, really quick, especially you fifty year olds. Am i gonna get lung cancer now?" He covered his face with his hands and sighed loudly, mumbling something inaudiable to himself.

Levi took a drag from the cigarette and shot a look at the boy, exhailing the smoke. "Maybe if you paid attention during your classes, you'd know that, no, you aren't gonna get lung cancer. And i swear to God, you call me fifty again and I'm gonna light a new one and shove that one up your ass."

"Oh, great, another thing for you to shove up my ass."

To that, Eren recieved a sharp slap.

(Lol here's the next chapter. The contest winners' characters will be coming in shortly, don't worry. hope you enjoyed! I also want to interact with you guys more! Post in the comments what you think. I could do the sorts of "guess the number im thinking down in the comments between 1-50" every chapter and theclosest person(s) (whether a single person or multiple) could get a follow or shout out in the upcoming chapter? Yay or nah? I think I'll start doing that maybe for when i reach 200 followers c: thanks lovelies, and have a nice day!)

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