Chapter Twenty :|: Fading into Hazy

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(HERE'S THIS CHAPTER, MY LOVELIES. OK, OK, so last chapter was just a chapter i kind of wrote because i was really having the urge to write but like i didn't know what i wanted to write so it all just kind of spewd everywhere so ya. Lol, I've had a song stuck in my head for so long now so TOO MANY refrenses of that song were in the last chapter i appologize for waisting your presious time with that last chapter, and thank you for letting me get those stupid lyrics out of my head. HERE is where i will actually work on something realavent to this fanfiction. As I said before, buckle your little butts in tight, the rides about to get kind of bumpy .-.)        (ONE MORE THING: Who neglected to tell me i titled my last two chapters incorrectly?? And, note if you did, i get so many comments, i truely do try to read them all, but omg, they said the title before the number of the chapter! I'm so glad i caught that!)

Chapter Twenty :|: Fading into Hazy

The little town stretched back far behind them, disappearing into the distance. Another gravel-like road took them out of town and would soon reunite them back with the highway.

"I still can't believe I'm going so far out of town to take you to some relatives," Levi mumbled, sounding like it was more to himself than anybody other. He could hear a rock bounce off the car and could see Levi cringe. "You'll owe me a new paint job."

Eren rolled his eyes and switched the song playing. "I thought you were, like, feeling helpful or something."

"Well, I was gonna suggest that you just stay at my place inst-"

"No, that's ok, I'll pay for your stupid paint job."

Levi chuckled and looked away. It kind of scared Eren, how comfortable he'd become with this man, considering the week he'd just had. For God's sake, he'd been in his bed. That itself should make him want to throw himself out of the moving car and hope he didn't make it alive. But, he didn't. And that was the startling part.

"How much longer do you think?" Eren asked, playing with the strings of his hoodie. To that, Levi answered something along the lines of 'Shouldn't you know that already, it's your aunt.'

For a while, there was a silence in the car again, but not necessarily a really awkward silence. There was the faint mummer of the stereo in the background and the crunch of gravel as it flew out behind them at their consistent pace. Eren watch Levi for a while, but careful to have enough time to look away this time. The muscles in his arm weren't as strained, one hand on the wheel, another rested on the stick shift. Eren found himself being able to count the number of times Levi blinked.

He'd technically said it once, so he'd say it again. Levi was attractive. Even being in his thirties, he could almost have been an older brother or cousin of his at the looks of his age. If he didn't scowl as often, he might even seem younger, Eren thought.

Stop it, he's your teacher, what are you doing. He looked away, instead he focused on what flew past outside the window. Shrubbery, dying weeds, hills in the distance, the sun still gleaming high above, a few clouds littered space. It wasn't as interesting as Levi was, though.

Why did he care?

Why should he care?

Eren sighed, leaning his head against the cool glass. He'd be at Aunt Kai's soon, and the summer would begin, and the same wrecking story will be playing. It's like he'd asked and asked and prayed and begged that everything would somehow get better, would somehow clean itself up.

Still, conflicts occurred, and still conflicts grew. It was becoming quite the way to end a school year, just dandy.

He turned back to look at Levi, but this time caught the man glancing at him. Of course, it was in no way the first time it had happened. But, Levi didn't look away as quickly like usual, he'd held his gaze for as long as he could until he had to direct his attention back to the road. It made Eren's stomach do a little scattering feeling.

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