Chapter Four :|: Criticism

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                                 Chapter Four :|: Criticism

                     "Where were you?" Armin asked with a slight squeak in his voice. "Eren? Hello! Are you listening to me, Eren?" Armin gave him a light bop on the head, getting his attention away from starring at the basketball racks. "You were ten minutes late, coach Hanji is gonna make you run laps again."

                    Eren frowned at his friend and leaned back against the gym wall. "I had to stay back and finish up something in class, it's no big deal," He said, yet he could feel the urge the self he couldn't control wanting to blush. He looked across the room to avoid his friends gaze just in case he was blushing. He looked over and saw Jean starring at him with one of his smug smiles that Eren wanted to beat from his face repeatedly.


And again.

And even again.

                  He didn't want to go start anything that day. Jean wasn't worth his time as far as Eren was concerned. Some gum stuck to his boot at the least. But, the defense approached anyways, the smirk never leaving Jeans face.

                   "Jaeger," He addressed Eren, arm extended out to the wall to support his leaning figure. Not to mention blocking Eren from retreating.

                    But, then again, when did Eren ever retreat?

                    "Kirstein," the two teens straightened up as they tried to look more intimidating toward the other.

                   Jean punch Eren in the shoulder playfully, but a bit harder than what would be considered friendly. "Don't give me that look you piece of crap, you know how delighted you always are to see me." Eren clenched his fingers into a fist, exhaling over dramatically.

                   "I'd rather converse with a metal post then have to carry on a topic of any kind with you." Eren's tone was a bit harsh and cold, his green eyes fixed on the nuisance in front of him. He could hear Armin gasp behind him, the blond already contemplating what was going to happen next.

                   "Why not I help you arrange than date?" And before Eren could do any kind of block to protect himself, Jean had gripped the back of his neck and slammed him into the metal beams that held up the gyms roof in various places. He gasped and pushed the blond away with a force to know Jean off his feet. Eren stumbled back a bit with a hand covering his nose. A steady flow of blood was already trying to make it's way through any kind of gap it could find.

                   Jean stood and grinned with a dark posture at seeing how badly he caught Eren off guard. "Looks like you really hit it off, hmm?"

                   "Sc-screw you," Eren growled, dropping his hand and revealing his fairly broken nose. He spit out a loosened tooth that had no hope of help, landing right in front of Armin. Armin grimaced and turned to look at the two, knowing it was going to get worse.

                  "Eren, no wai-" the blond was cut off as Eren punched Jean in the face, gripping the collar of his shirt and slamming him against the wall.

                  Jean was furious, spitting blood in his face. Eren kicked Jeans legs out from under him and was about to deliver another blow when a loud whistle sounded behind him, catching him off guard once again.

                   "I want you both on your feet and marching straight to the office!" The familiar sound of coach Hanji sounded, making Eren sigh and turn to face the gym teacher. His breath hitched when Jean returned the favor of kicking his legs out from underneath him, heading toward the exit doors before Eren could further beat him.

                      "Y-yes Miss Hanji," Eren said, standing uneasily. He met Armin's frightened eyes, knowing he was probably the one to have gotten the coach. Armin's eyes where the only ones he met as he pushed through the crowd of kids that had gathered, heading for the main office.

                      "And Eren, you'll be running double the laps when you get out of the detention after school."

                      Great. Just great.


                    "Look who we have here!" the nurse exclaimed with a trifling laugh. "Kirstein had insisted against a visit to medication town, but here you are, a bloody mess like I always seem to find you."

                   Eren scowled and crossed his arms. "He's the bastard who started it." The teen mumbled.

                  The nurse nodded as if she was actually listening. "Yes, yes. Now hold still. You've lost a tooth this time it seems."


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