Chapter Eighteen :|: Tasting Kind of Lonely (Part Two)

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(THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR 300 FOLLOWERS *streamers, party balloons, various whistling and cheering, etc* and to celebrate i will attempt to write a good chapter. And since i achieved another goal, i will do another guess-what-number-im-thinking-of for a follow and shout out. The number is between 10 and 70. good luck! comment bellow your guess, closest person and first to guess wins!

And, I've been thinking, would something like a pin-pal system be something that could work? Idk if you live in the U.S. {i live in Washington} and your information wouldn't posted to the public, you'd Private message me, maybe i could do hand written letters to some lucky fans? idk, just i thought i had in the middle of the night, i don't even know if its a good idea, but i've gotta tell y'all everything, right? Well, enjoy the chapter i suppose :33)

Tasting Kind of Lonely (Part Two) :|: Chapter Eighteen

The bell rang, he'd made it in his seat just in time. Though, not to his surprise, not everyone was in class yet. It was the last day, who cares how late you'll be. Though, Sasha had insisted on them making it to class on time.

He still didn't know why he came, they didn't do anything on the last day but some pointless, grade-less work sheets and exchange numbers. All his finals had been accomplished, and no make up work. He might as well as sat at home and took a nap. Sasha wasn't even talking to him, seeing she was too busy with her friends and gossiping about how 'he said that she said that they did...'

But, Levi hadn't even made it too the class period yet himself, he guessed even the teachers didn't care about today much. Though, his time went wasted in hoping the short man wouldn't show up at all as he heard the door swing open behind him, and the sound of the class's conversational roar dulling to a chatter. Mr. Rivaille took his place at the front of the class and eyed the seating arrangements.

Many hadn't showed up either, taking an extra day to start their summer. Levi pulled out his swivel chair and took a seat, leaning back. "For the period, you can either talk quietly with those around you, or work on any last minute assignments, seeing as today would be undoubtedly your last day to turn anything and everything in." He picked up a correcting pin and focused and some paper work on his desk. Eren swore he could hear sighs of relief travel in waves through the rows of desks and people picked back up where they left off.


The period ended and students quickly flushed out of the cramped math room. He swung a backpack over his shoulder that was heavier than usual, supplies from his locker and classrooms stuffed inside. As he headed for the door, some kid with too brightly dyed red hair knocked over a stack of pre-calculus books onto the floor, the heavy hardbacks making quite the thud. The kid pretended not to notice and continued out the door.

In the process, one had landed on his foot. Cursing, he quickly tried to grab for the door before-


He breathed in and out carefully. Oh hell no. "Yes?"

"Clean it up."


Hell no. "What? I didn't even make the mess! Why should I have to fix some idiots-" Levi looked up from his grading papers with eyes that made Eren want to shrivel up and fade away. But, he was used to that glare and had little desire to truely shrivel up and fade anymore. He dropped his backpack on a desk top and made his way toward Levi, placing his hands on the desk and proping up his arms, covering Levi's work up so he'd have to talk to him.

"Hey, why are you still targeting me, I thought we had this agreement that we'd just leave each other be- no, an agreement that you'd leave me be. Why can't you clean up your own classroom, it's not my responsibility to cater to you whenever you feel you need it. So you can just take this whole 'I'm attractive so people do things for me' exterior and choke on it because i don't give two shits about it."

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