Chapter Twenty Three :|: For Diamonds and Gold (Part Two)

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(I love how easily I just broken every single one of you in that last chapter. Sorry, but yeah, I've been Illuminati confirmed.. *shrug shrug* TIME TO GET DOWN TO BUSINESS. Now that my fanfiction has finally gotten to where I want it to be, to where I've been planning it all for so long, IT IS ABOUT TO GET HELLA REAL.

Because 23 is my favorite number, and this is chapter 23, this is going to be EXTREMELY GREAT. I will finally make a good chapter, and if you thought last chapter made you cry, you haven't seen ANYTHING yet.

LET'S HAVE A COMPETITION BTW!! I'm thinking of a number between 50-100. (50 and 100) The first guess to be closest/spot on gets a follow and a shout out <3 Love you guys)

Chapter Twenty Three :|: For Diamonds and Gold (Part Two)

A pot hole sent Eren flying to the side, slamming his shoulder into the window. He grimaced, clutching the ache. His body trembled from his head to his toes, his clenched fingers icicles. He couldn't decide whether he could hardly tear his eyes off of Levi, or barely even be able to look at him. Levi caught the boys glance, his fingers tapping on the steering wheel impatiently. The man sighed, glancing back at the road.

"Look, I'm sorry. It's a long story that I would rather not get into-"

"Screw that!" Eren couldn't believe that was his voice. He hadn't meant to shriek. His nerves weren't even on end, it was like they'd snapped all together. "No, screw that. Tell me what's going on right now or I'll... I'll," he flinched, a hand holding his head. Everything hurt, the adrenaline beginning to drain out of Eren's body.

Levi groaned, slamming a fist down on the car horn. Eren nearly jumped out of his skin, clutching the ends of his seat as the car began to swerve a bit. The two were silent again. Eren starred after the man in bewilderment, completely shocked. Levi just starred at the open road, concentrating on just accelerating out of this town, faster and faster.

"Fine..." Levi took a deep breath, running a hand through his hair and rubbing his temple in exhaustion. "Fine, I'll tell you." He straightened up a bit, taking his eyes from the road and starring straight into Eren's watching eyes.

"Those were some old... Acquaintances i worked with. You know, before I took up this fake gig as some dead math teachers substitute. Any questions so far?"

Eren wonder when there would be a day this man would stop springing things on him like this. "Y-you're not actually a math teacher? Are you a teacher at all?"

Levi shook his head, focusing on the road. "No, I just needed to keep myself busy for a bit as I- you know what, that's not what's important." He cleared his throat, and poured out what he could from what he recalled over the past few weeks.

"I used to belong to a group of... Socially active, self employed workers. They made good change, I made no change, so I joined them myself. That was about three months ago. These people imported certain types of desired goods and snuck them into cities for potential clients." Levi smiled a bit, remembering his tale. "They thought I was practically one of them the moment I got started, quite the great dealer. A natural, that's what I was referred to for a while."

Eren shook his head so hard, it hurt. He truly contemplated opening the door and jumping out. "Whoa, whoa, hold on a second. DEALER? You were a DRUG DEALER?" He leaned back in his seat, watching the world fly by them out his window. "How the hell did some drug dealer get a job as a substitute teacher?"

"That isn't what's important, you little shit," Levi snapped. "Let me continue. After a while, things were going fine, I even got pretty close with some of the people who came and went there." The man sobered up a bit, looking down at his hands clutching the wheel. "That woman back hair, her name was Petra. She really seemed to catch on to me from the moment I entered the establishment," biting his lip, Levi just nodded. "She called me her partner in crime, always saying if we were caught in the act, I'd be the one to get hauled into prison, and the rest of them would get away clean. But, her intentions weren't in vain. Petra was like... The mother there, in that gang. She held the street races and scheduled the pick up and drop offs. She used that money to benefit everyone else there.

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