Chapter Eleven :|: Damn Your Eyes

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Chapter Eleven :|: Damn Your Eyes

"Just... Just stay safe. For me, please?" Eren cringed as he remembered his mothers words before they had to leave the hospital. His response was a vague nod of agreement and a little-too-hard squeeze of his mothers hand. She was still crippled, the doctors stunned to see that she was still even alive. He didn't tell her that though; she didn't need to know how close she truly was to the door of death.

She probably knew it anyways.

Mikasa had an emotionless mask as the paded down the stairs, coming into the clean smelling lobby. People sat in waiting chairs all around. Some anxious and fidgeting, some holding bouquets of colorful flowers, others coughing into tissues. A crying child looked up and caught Erens eye. The boy couldn't have been more than five or six, holding a tissue which he held to a bloody nose. The little boy reached his hand out toward Eren, but was yanked away by a mother before he could grab hold of his shirt.

"Bailee! Sit back in that chair like i asked you to- sit! I'm so sorry young man," The woman smiled and began back to their seats.

Eren just nodded and went back to catch up with Mikasa.

The visit had gone well. His mother was breathing, which was splendid, given her condition. Three crushed ribs and a wounded lung. She ate infrequently and was hooked up to tubs transmitting water and antibiotics of sorts. She could speak, but hoarsely, and just loud enough you could hear her if you sat a foot away.

At first, his mother insisted that the two leave. That they probably had things to do and not to worry about her, that she was fine. Though, half way through that reassuring, she began to sob. It was odd for Eren to see his mother like this. He was taken back by how weak and hurt she could actually seem. She was always so strong.

Eren let Mikasa talk for half the time, not sure what to say anymore. All he really cared about was that she was alive and not suffering. Which, was basically the case, so he took what he could get.

Her last words she had said before they left though were all he could think about.

"Just... Just stay safe. For me, please?"

He had to. He had to, for her. He couldn't screw up again, if he got injured while his mother was recovering... they could barely pay the bill for his mother, let alone if he got hurt too. And his father still wasn't home yet. Mikasa was always cautious, Eren's mother didn't have to say anything to her. Everyone could trust Mikasa, really.

But, when wasn't Eren being told off?

He clenched his fists and shoved his hands inside his jean pockets. Enough of that, he had a promise to his friends to keep. He needed to get his mind of things, at least for a while.


There was a car horn that blasted close by. Eren opened his weather-stained window and looked outside. Armins' rusted grey Volvo sat running at the curb, engine protesting, but obeying. Armin smiled from inside, pressing the horn again. Inside, Eren could see Sasha in the front seat, flipping through stations, Ymir a seat behind, twirling a strand of her hair boredly, and Connie in the far back, propping his feet up on the seat in front of him.

Eren grabbed his phone and house key, a key that hung from a string that he usually just slipped around his neck and tucked inside his shirt.

He made his way quickly down the stairs, stumbling on the last step and rushing toward the door. Mikasa waved him goodbye as she flipped through a magazine. She was suppose to show up later to hang out with most of her friends, but really to check on him.

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