Chapter Twenty One :|: Kill-Joys make the Most Noise

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(WELL, my writing thing is taken care of, and thanks to a few of you who really helped with a few tips, and i think I've got it down! If enough people are interested, I might post it. Thanks for putting up with how long it takes me to update, I just hate having to force myself to write when I'm really not feeling the inspirational juices and risking it coming out TOO sloppy. That's a waste of time for the both of us. AND MY COMPUTER ISNT PUTTING UP WITH WATTPAD SO THIS IS ALL DONE OF THE IPAD ;.; TIS THE SEASON GUYS)

Chapter Twent-One :|: Kill-Joys make the Most Noise

Eren and Levi had just made it to the backseat when the crunch of gravel caught one of their's attention. Eren pushed away from Levi, breathless, covering Levi's mouth both to stop Levi from trying to kiss him and muffling his noise. He strained to lean up and peek out the front windshield. What he saw, though, wasn't very to his liking. About a mile down the road he could see a large truck coming at their stalled car that sat in the middle of the road. As it closed in half the distance, Eren could see the towing cable on the back.

That was their rescue vehicle. Aunt Kai had understood him, or they just got lucky. Eren was indeed without clothes, as was Levi. This was bad.

Levi sat up, cursing courfully as he scrambled the vehicles floor for his pants.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, we are so fucked," was the only thing Eren could audibly hear the man saying. Fucked indeed. Something was thrown at Eren from the front seat of the car where Levi was struggling to redress. It was his boxers. "What the hell are you just sitting there for?"

Eren quickly followed in Levi's footsteps, scavenging for his clothes and managing to put them on. It was a wonder they did in time, the teen shaking like a leaf. When he crawled into the passenger seat, Levi was behind the steering wheel, phone in hand, scrolling through apps as if he'd been that way for hours.

The clanking and grinding grew louder as the two truck came to a complete haunt in front of the stranded car. A bulky man with a wiry copper beard and a balding head jumped from the truck, coming up beside the window. Tapping the glass, Levi looked up from his phone as if he hadn't noticed the mans arrival at all. He rolled the window down just enough to have conversation.

"Oi, took you long enough," Eren could see how uncomfortable the man was under Levi's stare.

"T-terribly sorry. I'm here now; gonna tow your car back to the shop." The workers accent was so strong, you'd have thought you were in Ireland yourself. Levi told the man to hurry, and rolled the window up once again. The worker hopped back inside his two truck and rounded the car, getting into a position behind it to attach the cable.

Eren just starred blankly out the glass, watching the heat waves in the air, fists clenched in his lap. He felt... Light... Unreal, like this wasn't anything reality had to offer, he felt like a lie. At any moment, he would magically disappear out of existence; he didn't belong in this scene.

He hadn't realized he'd been holding his breath, letting the oxygen out of his lungs. 'You have got to be kidding me,' he thought. 'You've gotta be...' He was ready to disappear now.

He jumped, startled, when Levi leaned over and opened his door. Eren just starred at his hands balled up in his lap, waiting for the man to say something. Warm air rushed in through the opened door, and the silence lasted another minute before Levi spoke up.

"I'm disappointed, you did better last time," and with that, he opened his own door and stepped out of the car, letting it fall shut behind him. Eren just starred after the man, full of bewilderment.

"I'm going to hell," Eren whispered to himself, climbing out of the car and into the scorching heat.


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