My Condulences, and Other Nonsense

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For starters, thank you for reading this!! Like, wow, if you're reading this now I'm assuming you enjoyed my experimental fanfic lol (Experimental??? I started this almost 3 years ago). If you're someone who's been reading this from when i posted my first few chapters about this time a couple years ago, then wow, honestly I love you.

If you're someone who found this while I was in the middle of writing, or happened to read it in one sitting last night when you had work in the morning, then thank you so much for dedicating that time. (And i'm sorry to the people that had to deal with my absolutely ridiculous uploading ;-;)

Was this great?- no lmao. Did I really care about it?- kinda. Did I sort of abandon it and have dozens of you threatening to hurt me?- Oh, you bet. But wow, this became kinda popular and stuff, ya know? I didn't think I'd get shit when I posted the first couple chapters, so this is pretty cool. It's gone a bit down hill with it's popularity (partially for me never uploading, like wow @past self, really???) But, being able to press that "completed series" button is so GREAT.
(ALSO: i will not be revising the last chapter unless theres anything later on i find needs to be, i'm just so done with writing it right now, so i'm just gonna post it and let this whole fic go lol)

This story also hardcore gave me anxiety and I thought about my lack of updating more often than some of you think, and now that it's over (and in the most gruesome of ways), I'm pretty chillaxed.


After quite the time we've had here, I'm gonna start posting Haikyuu!! one-shots. They're pretty fun to write, and not doing full fics means I can literally do a sappy, fluffy and cavity-inducing lazy day of snuggles for one ship, then turn right around and do heart wrenching, tear-stinging, hysterical sobbing and slightly emo standing alone in the rain scenes. (And update WAY more frequently.)

Aw yes,

Bring it on.

Check out my Haikyuu!! one-shots on my account, naming the book Haikyuu.Co, and send me suggestions (ships, scenes, and I'm even trying to do song-related one-shots, more explained if you go check it out.)

A few ones I've been working on in between this last chapter will be posted very soon, and I'm ready to work on more by requests!

Thanks for this, and see you all hopefully again, but this time with some dumb volleyball tards :p

-Your Local Senpai, Aly

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