Chapter Six :|: Perfect Timing |Part Two|

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(So I see this is getting kind of popular, thank you guys! I'm trying to think of something I can do to celebrate... Hmmmm?

Follow my instagram btw, @opt_tastic

((ya promotes are shit kill me now))


                                   Chapter Six :|: Perfect Timing |Part Two|

             Eren was in an utterly lost state. He was letting his math teacher, one he'd only just met that morning due to his late teachers fatal incident, drive him home. He hadn't even known the mans first name... But, that didn't matter. It wasn't like this was going to start being a regular thing. How could it? Eren told himself to brush it off and just take the kind gesture as it was. Though, the gesture wasn't coming from the kindest person.

             "I- uhm, th-thanks again for... for giving me a ride," the teen stammered, messing with his fingers as anticipation of the man sitting beside him. Mr. Rivaille shrugged a shoulder and gave an acknowledging grunt, but didn't give a true reply. Eren sighed quietly to himself and looked about the car.

               It was clean... really clean. He could see his distorted reflection in the shiny dash board. The windows were clear of any fingerprints and the car itself smelled of a lemon cleaning supply. In a small organized basket that separated the drivers seat from the passengers, Eren noticed something familiar to him.           

               He reached for the item, receiving a scolding from the dark haired man. "Tch, brat, didn't your parents ever tell you to not touch what isn't yours?"

                Eren flipped the CD case over in his hands a bit in amazement. "You... you listen to Garth Brooks?"

               Levi narrowed his eyes dangerously at the boy before turning to look back at the road, stopping at a red light. "Better than the shit this generations coming up with."

               Eren shrugged. "I don't know, there's some good shit out there." He leaned back in his seat, examining the songs on the back of the case. Levi hadn't struck Eren as a man of music. "I grew up kind of hearing Brooks all around my house, my mother is a huge fan."

              Levi nodded as if he felt a bit better about the situation. "Well then I guess you aren't all a waist."

              Eren huffed, feeling a bit insulted. "I didn't know I was a waist to begin with."

             Levi grabbed Eren's wrist and took the case from him with his other hand swiftly, placing it back exactly how it was before. Eren felt the hair on his neck raise. Levi's grip was strong yet his skin felt soft against his, cold. Eren didn't know what he expected, the man to be made out of sandpaper maybe. Levi caught Eren's eyes and frowned.

               Levi released the boys wrist and took the steering wheel again as the light turned green. "What? Are you going to be sick in my car? I'll beat you to death if you even try. Your face is as red as a tomato."

               Eren bit his lip and looked away. "N-no I'm fine." Was he really blushing? But... but why?

              The car ride itself was short, but the amount of silence that was there made it feel like a drag. They were finally on Eren's street when Mr. Rivaille asked for Eren house address.

              "234," Eren answered as they drove down the cracking asphalt. The teacher stopped in front of Eren's house and leaned back into his seat.

               "This house?" Eren nodded. "Good, now get out." The teen bristled with embarrassment at having been stalling and quickly gathered his school bag and gym lug. He stepped out of the luxury car, probably the best car this roads ever seen, and nodded a thanks to Mr. Rivaille.

              "Don't mention it," The dark haired man said without even looking at the boy, a monotone voice and blank expression.

              The dark sporting car pulled off of the street quickly and sped down and taking a quick and smooth turn. Eren sighed and raked a hand through his hair. He closed his eyes and shook it off. What.... what was with him all of a sudden? What was with that man? Where did he even come from? Nothing was making sense all of a sudden and Eren couldn't tell why the man made him so anxious. He couldn't tell if he resented the man or didn't care.

               Either way, they needed to stop running into each other like that.

               Eren walked up the steps of his house and used his key to unlock the front door. There was a click that sounded behind the wooden boundary and it flew open before Eren even got the key out of his pocket. Mikasa stood in the doorway, eyes burning a red as if she'd been crying for quite some time, expression a mask of grief and furry.

             "You idiotic bastard!" She screamed, slapping Eren across the face with a force that he was surprised didn't know his to his knees. Eren rubbed the left side of his face and snarled.

             "What the hell was that for?! What are you so worked up ab-" He was cut off by her sob, she turned away before he could finish and stormed into the house.


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