Chapter Eighteen :|: Tasting Kind of Lonely

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Chapter Eighteen :|: Tasting Kind of Lonely

 The morning came flying in at the speed of at light it felt like to Eren. Of course, he'd only really gotten about three hours of sleep seeing as he stayed up all night recalling what had happened the previoud day. That fact that he let some bastard of a substitue violate him as it would appear had happened was really what kept him up to be honest. What was Levi's story? Why the hell did he actually care whether or not Eren got home soaked to the bone or dry? 

Eren glanced over at his digital clock after slamming the off switch. 6:15. He groaned and rolled out of bed. He had to tell somebody about what happened, or he thought he might utterly go insane. But, who could he tell? Mikasa was an obvious no-no. And Armin... Would probably dump him in a pool of holy water and beg the Lord to forgive my errors.

Well, time to go back to bottling up my thoughts and emotions, Eren decided.

It was the last day of school anyways, he would no longer have to see Levi anymore. He might as well go back to calling him Mr. Rivaille, too.

Pulling on the white jeans and the button-up, and rushed downstairs to grab the cropped vest from the dryer.

"Last day of school," Mikasa stated from the kitchen. "I'm gonna call the hopsital again and find out when we can go visit mom again... And until she's well again, aunt Kai offered to stay here with us."

Eren sighed. 'Aunt Kai' wasn't really their aunt, it was their mother's friend from school. They still keep in touch and talk often, it wasn't a surprise that Kai heard the news and wanted to jump up to first place. Eren wasn't relly fond of her really. She was loud and over dramatic, always wanting to prove a point. Whenever he complained about her though, Mikasa always said that was what they had in common. Whatever.

But, the teen sighed and nodded. It was what had to be done. No one could get ahold of their father yet, what a shocker, and who knows if their mom would get out of that hospital any time soon.

He glanced at the clock that ticked on the wall above the kitchen doorway. He had ten minutes to get to school. He was in and out of the kitchen with a stale blueberry muffin in moments, opening the front door before Mikasa could say anything else about the situation. "See you later, sis," He said, mouth full. The front door slammed behind him.

Eren half expected an expensive sports car to be waiting outside his house, sitting on the curb, but there wasn't. He should have been beyond relieved, but he was a little disappointed to be honest. It just meant he really needed to avoid the creep, he shouldn't be used to Levi always being a step behind him.


 The bell rang, signifying that school was starting, and Eren was late. He dashed for the doors, almost there. He shouldn't be so upset, it was the last day, a tardy wouldn't kill him. But, everything was feeling kind of empty again. School was over, what was his distraction now. This was how he socialized and knew people, now that it was ending, what was he to do? The reality of how terrible this entire week has been, and was going to be, started weighing on him, and he felt millions of years old.

He began to slow his stride through the main hall. It was all ending, feeling way faster than it should have. He couldn't hang out with Armin and Sasha and Ymir and Christa, he'd be too held up with his mother. When she did get out of the hospital, she'd be bed ridden for who knows how long. He still felt like the entire thing was his fault, even though Mikasa took back what she had said.

He also refused to believe the fact that she may not be coming out of that hospital.

The bell rang again, saying class was starting, about a minute before he reached the classroom. It wasn't, like he'd thought, a big deal though. The cranky, old, history teaching witch wasn't even in the room yet. Everyone was laughing and exchanging numbers, signing books and tshirts. A voice called to him from the back of the room.

"Eren! Hey, come over here!" Eren turned his head to see Armin and Connie sitting on top of their desks, talking to a few other of his classmates. Eren made his way toward the two.


"Eren, maybe after school we can all get together and go see a movie or something!" Armin's eyes were bright at the idea of all their friends sitting quietly for two hours through a too-graphic horror film.

Connie shook his head and leaned back. "Nah, I say we should tape down the staff room's door! Those lazy teachers have it coming." Armin whined about the possibilities of getting caught and how unfair it was to all the teachers.

"They don't deserve that! What if they can't ever get out?"

Eren put his hand on his friends shoulder and replied, "Armin, if they couldn't get out then that'd be the day we all celebrate." He wasn't up for the plans Connie had of lame graffiti or trapping the teachers in one room, but he never did like any of them who worked here.


Lunch came by quickly and the cafeteria seemed louder than possibly human. Mikasa sat and mumbled to Christa and that friend of Sasha's, Kyra, across the table. On his side, him, Armin, Connie, and Jean talked about their plans for the summer. Jean used any lame excuse he could grasp at to make fun of him, but even the jerk knew to back the hell off during a time like this. So, the two just threw snide remarks at each other, but enjoyed the lunch brake. Sasha squealed on about her trip to the beach she had coming up. Connie tried some lame flirting with her, but Sasha didn't seem to notice just how lame it was.

Maybe, he thought, this wasn't going to be too bad of a summer. But, then the bell rang again, and his least favorite subject was now coming up. The last time, though, he planned on seeing Levi.

(OK SO really lame and boring chapter, sorry guys, I'm a disgrace, I promise things will get better next chapter! I've just been a little busy recently and I'm literally typing this like in the middle of dinner and i knew you guys needed another chapter NOW so heres my lame excuse. *sigh*. ok, have a nice day!)

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