Chapter Twenty-Nine :|: California Will You Marry Me? (Part Two)

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(This fanfiction is a mess but so am I, let's continue.
Also, holy shit if you actually still read this and believed I'd update then you deserve twenty million dollars.

Also also, I've been so far up the ass of shitty cartoons that I am clinically unwell. Adventure time and Steven universe are my shit and they're shit they suck and I love them with my entire LIF E. And then the man of the fucking hour goes to Star vs. The Forces of Evil bcs I finished that fucker in a day oh my god send help i'm so far up starco it's illegal. 

Btw, winner of my contest from 80 years ago was "nohomobromo" who guessed 48

The number I was thinking of was 49)

Chapter Twenty-Nine :|: California, Will You Marry Me? (Part Two)

Street lamps towered several meters above them as the truck kept an even speed on the freeway, casting light over the asphalt. More and more cars began springing up around them, the once empty freeway now teeming with life as they grew ever more closer to the bolstering city. Eren shut his eyes against the darkness outside and thought. Giving himself up to the thoughts that he's be pushing out of the grasp of his conscious mind. He let the heavy, damp cloth of memories suppress him, grind him into the stardust he'd at one point been, he'd at one point be.

He let unconsciousness pull him under, the street lamps melting away.


The sound of an 80's blues cover dug through his state, telling Eren he was still in the truck. By the feel of it, they weren't going very fast. Short bursts of speed, then slowing down, then coming to a stop, repeat. He could hear humming. Very faint, very light, as if the hummer was trying not to wake a boy passed out in the passenger seat at his elbow.

He felt sore, as if even his bones were aching underneath his nerves. Eren delicately lifted a hand to his eye and rubbed the thoughts out of his sight again, seeing the real world now.

The huge rig sat amongst other little sporty cars and minivans that were all trying to enter the city. It was still fairly dark, the clock on the radio reading 4am. To the right of them the navy blue was beginning to take on a sort of denim blue color pallet.

"30 more minutes, we'll be in town. I rented a weekend condo, in a less charismatic part of the city." He flickered his eyes to the left. Levi sat, one hand draped over the wheel, the other clenching a water bottle, rather tightly. The humming had stopped.

"Here," Levi tossed the bottle into his lap, replacing his hand on the stick shift now. "You're probably dehydrated, aren't you."

Eren only nodded, taking the whole half bottle left in a few gulps. The traffic around them started to move again. 10 mph, 20 mph, 25, halt.

"Maybe a little longer than 30 minutes, Levi murmured. 

It was like that for another hour, the radio was off most of the time, the car silent and cold from the constant breeze from the air conditioner. Levi talked about where he planned on them heading, where they'd be "hiding out". He promised there'd be a phone, promised Eren that he'd be able to to call around, but only after they'd laid low for a while. Promised him that he'd be home soon. 

Eren downed another water bottle and sat in the quiet. When the surrounding cars began to lean off their brake lights, the large rig lurched forward, shuddering with the sudden speed after being suppressed for so long. The glass skyscrapers were beginning to tower higher and higher, the pale light glowing off of them. Small scaly palm trees lined walk ways through park gardens and outlet mall lots. The smell of barbecue wafted through the slit of Eren's open window.

"Im hungry," Eren murmured, stretching his cramped and sore legs out over the dashboard. 

Levi sighed, dragging his fingers through his unkept hair. "Me too, but since we look like we crawled out of our own graves and there's bound to be pictures of us and this truck somewhere by this point, it'd be best if we waited until we get to the condo and order take out."

Yep, living life as criminals was most definitely fun, Eren thought glumly.

(This chapters shit don't even read it its so short and useless ughhhhh I'll make quality work I promise I promise I promise, but I need to do SOMETHING ITS BEEN A DECADE I SWEAR all I wanna do I write shitty starco imagines and I should not do that bcs it's making me loose my mind, no joke guys send help.)

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